High-tech vegetables from the city produce food where it is consumed

High-tech vegetables from the city produce food where it is consumed / Health News

Study on the agricultural use of urban areas

The world population is growing steadily and is gathering more and more in huge cities. In contrast, acreage for food and resources is becoming increasingly scarce. The so-called urban farming, ie the use of inner-city areas for the cultivation of food, should set a trend against this development. The possibilities offered by urban farming have recently been examined in a study by the Fraunhofer Institute.

Overpopulation, hunger, deforestation of primeval forests, lack of space for cultivation areas, over-fertilization, erosion, long transport routes - a solution must be found for all these problems in the future. The agricultural use of inner-city areas could be a step in this direction. In a study, the Fraunhofer Institute for Labor Economics and Organization investigated cultivation methods and technologies to bring food and resource production back to where it is needed. The study results can be viewed on the website of the institute.

Urban Farming: Can Agricultural Use of Urban Landscapes Solve the Food Problems of the Future Using Cutting-Edge Technologies? (Image: ekkasit919 / fotolia.com)

Are our possibilities exhausted?

What is the potential of food and algae production within cities? This question was addressed by Fraunhofer researchers in the current study. The possibilities of intensive cultivation under the massive use of chemicals are slowly exhausted. Securing sustainable urban food and resource supply is increasingly a global problem. Urban farming could be one approach to solving these problems. The scientists point out the potential of urban agriculture for municipalities and companies and are researching urban cultivation technologies for food and microalgae.

Fresh high-tech vegetables from the city

In a first pilot project, the Fraunhofer scientists are working on innovative cultivation methods and technologies. The focus of research is the cultivation of indoor plants and the cultivation of microalgae. The new urban agriculture could benefit from the latest technologies in the areas of artificial lighting, sensor technology and automation processes. Renewable energies could secure power supply and reduce the use of land and pesticides to a minimum.

Social and financial aspects

The Fraunhofer team also addresses the economic factors. Thus, the experts provide initial overviews of investment and operating costs and show the possibilities for creating new jobs and further education.

Japan and Singapore as pioneers

As the scientists report, urban agriculture will be the first in heavily urbanized countries with limited surrounding agricultural land such as Japan and Singapore. It also offers a good alternative to countries with heavy air pollution and high soil depletion.

The world in 2050

According to calculations by the institute, in the year 2050 more than 66 percent of the world's population, ie more than 6 billion people, will live in cities. Until then, the opportunities to feed all people are even more limited than they are today. "Urban agriculture and closed resource cycles are not short-term phenomena - in this respect, holistic, locally adapted and sustainable system solutions are important," summarize the Fraunhofer researchers in a press release on the study results.

More research needed

According to the institute, urban farming can be a solution for the future. However, more research, resources, investment, development and training of specialized professionals in this field are needed to address the challenge. (Vb)