Herzwochen The coronary heart disease

Herzwochen The coronary heart disease / Health News

Coronary heart disease Main topic of Herzw

Coronary heart disease Special topic of the Herzwochen


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the focus of the current Herzwochen of the German Heart Foundation. Numerous medical institutions throughout Germany are dedicated to the current theme of the Herzwochen with a wide variety of actions. It should not only be noted about the spread and the dangers of coronary heart disease, but also ways to prevent the widespread heart disease are shown.

Experts inform about risks of coronary heart disease
According to data from the German Heart Foundation, more than five million people (around 2.3 million women and 3.2 million men) in Germany are affected by coronary heart disease. Around 32 percent of women and 50 percent of men fall ill at the CHD during their lifetime. About 665,000 patients have to be hospitalized annually for coronary heart disease, and just under 60,000 die from a heart attack. At numerous events throughout Germany, cardiologists and other experts will therefore be informing about the risks of CHD during the Herzwochen. For example, on Wednesday (November 14) at the Marien-Hospital in Wattenscheid, the „Wattenscheider Heart Seminar“ with lectures on the subject „Heart in danger - recognize and treat coronary heart disease“ instead of. Next week, Tuesday (20 November), a lecture will be given at the GRN Clinic Schwetzingen by Professor Dr. med. med. Bernd Waldecker, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Internal Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, on the development, symptoms and treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Patients, relatives and interested people are invited to the events.

Extensive symptoms of coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease describes a gradual constriction of the coronary arteries, which causes a lack of blood flow to the heart and thus can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, heart failure and ultimately to a heart attack. Accompanying symptoms may be, for example, heart pain, a prick of the chest or angina pectoris (chest pressure and tightness). Heart stumbling and heart races are also considered as possible signs of coronary heart disease. In the worst case, the disease ends in a fatal heart attack. However, most people are not aware of the risk of CHD. Those affected often only notice the disease when symptoms of heart failure or a heart attack have already occurred, explained the Chairman of the Board of the Deutsche Herzstiftung, Dr. med. Thomas Meinertz.

Avoid coronary heart disease through healthy lifestyle
According to the cardiologist, coronary heart disease would be very early on recognizable and could be effectively treated by a healthy lifestyle, elimination of risk factors, medication and catheter intervention or bypass surgery. According to the experts of the German Heart Foundation, although some factors that can not be influenced, such as age or hereditary factors, are related to CHD, the main cause is usually the unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, malnutrition, overweight and stress. Tobacco consumption also promotes the development of coronary heart disease. First of all, the unhealthy lifestyle results in a high incidence of high blood pressure, lipid metabolism disorders (elevated cholesterol levels) and diabetes, which in the long term favors the constriction of the coronary arteries and the onset of coronary heart disease. As part of the Herzwochen of the German Heart Foundation, internists, cardiologists and dieticians throughout Germany provide information on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease, because there is a great need for information. The nationwide awareness campaign aims to reach as broad a public as possible in order to raise awareness of the risks of widespread disease. (Fp)

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Image: Gerd Altmann, Pixelio.de