Heart death through cannabis? Doctors prove first death by hashish

Heart death through cannabis? Doctors prove first death by hashish / Health News
Deadly smoking weed? Two men died after a joint of heart failure
The deaths of two young men who died surprisingly are attributed to the use of cannabis by German doctors. However, experts doubt the analysis of the doctors. The deceased apparently had little THC in the body.

Cannabis use for medical reasons or for relaxation
In recent weeks, almost daily was reported on the subject of marijuana. Hanger was usually a law change that makes it difficult for seriously ill patients to get cannabis on prescription. The drug helps with numerous diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or chronic pain. However, the majority of people who consume marijuana do so not for medical reasons, but to relax or intoxicate themselves. However, that can harm your health - and even end fatally, according to German doctors.

According to their own statements, German physicians have been able to prove cannabis use as the cause of death for the first time worldwide. However, other experts do not consider the thesis to be tenable. (Image: © camilledcsx / fotolia.com)

Consequences for physical health
Researchers from Duke University in Durham (USA) published a study last year that found that consuming marijuana has no significant impact on physical health.

However, German experts come to other conclusions. For example, the German Hanfverband reports on its website about a case a few years ago, in which two young men were diagnosed with death by cannabis.

However, this diagnosis is doubted by other professionals. Other causes of death could also be considered.

Cannabis as a cause of death
According to the University Hospital Dusseldorf, a 23-year-old and a 28-year-old cannabis could be established as the cause of death beyond doubt - according to scientists worldwide for the first time.

According to the 2014 report, the 23-year-old healthy man collapsed on public transport. After 40 minutes, the doctors had given up trying to revive him.

When the deceased, in whom marijuana had been found, was autopsied, the scientists of the forensic institute of the University of Düsseldorf discovered that he had died of heart failure from cannabis use.

For a 28-year-old, who was found dead by his girlfriend, the forensic experts assume the same cause of death.

Other causes excluded
According to the forensic scientists around Benno Hartung in the journal "Forensic Science International" in 2014, they claim that for the first time worldwide they were able to attribute deaths completely to the consumption of cannabis according to the scientific standards of the time.

According to the information toxicological, histological, immunohistochemical and genetic investigations have been made. In this way, genetic causes of sudden cardiac death have been excluded.

In addition, it was examined by genetic testing whether the men had had congenital cardiac arrhythmias. According to the medical experts, the increased THC concentration in the blood was the only possible cause due to the scientific exclusion procedure.

Experts see no proof of the conclusion
According to Hartung, the study shows that not only, as widely believed, does the drug trigger "a euphoric effect with no side effects," but in some cases it can lead to fatal heart failure.

Although these cases are very rare, he assumes that "it can meet every cannabis consumer," quoted the Rheinische Post (RP) the researchers.

However, other experts consider the thesis untenable. At the time, Frank Mußhoff from the Forensic Toxicological Center Munich quoted "Zeit Online": "As nothing else appeared after the analyzes, Hartung and his team have gone for cannabis."

"That's no proof, more than an explanation," said the scientist. The team had not found much of the substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes the intoxication, in the body of the two young men.

"The degradation products found also do not suggest that the dead men have been regular cannabis users."

Evidence of heart disease
According to "Zeit Online", however, the study found a decisive indication: "We also have findings that point towards heart disease." According to this, the 23-year-old had an enlarged heart muscle. In addition, a blood clot was found in a smaller heart vessel.

At the time, Maximilian Plenert, a research associate at the German Hemp Association (DHV), said: "We doubt whether the exclusion of other causes can be used as evidence of cannabis as a cause."

Among the possible motives for the conclusion of the doctors he said: "Maybe it was only the scientific curiosity, maybe the researchers have also recognized that they come so big in the public."

It is surprising, however, what an echo the study found. "The researchers say that the risk is very small. At every Berlin marathon, statistically, someone dies too. "He was surprised that the role of nicotine in the case was not discussed.

But there are good reasons for that. Because cannabis should be smoked exclusively without tobacco, in order to reduce the health consequences for the users. (Ad)