Heart Studies A broken heart can lead to long-term heart damage

Heart Studies A broken heart can lead to long-term heart damage / Health News
How do strong emotional stress and sadness affect our heart??
Most people have suffered heartbreak once in their lives after suffering severe emotional stress. Researchers have now discovered that broken heart syndrome (Broken Heart syndrome) can actually lead to prolonged damage to the heart muscle.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen found in their study that the so-called Tako-Tsubo syndrome (Broken Heart Syndrome) can lead to long-lasting damage to the heart muscle. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography".

Grief and severe emotional stress naturally have a negative effect on the psyche of those affected. However, events such as bereavement can also lead to long-lasting damage to the human heart. (Image: bramgino / fotolia.com)

Heart movements have been delayed and reduced
In the UK alone, Tako-Tsubo syndrome affects about 3,000 people each year. In the current study, a total of 52 Tako-Tsubo patients were medically monitored over a four-month period, the researchers said. With the help of ultrasound and MRI scans of the heart, the experts found that the disease had a lasting effect on the heart's movements. The twisting movement of the heart, which does this during the heartbeat, has been delayed and the squeezing movement of the heart has been reduced, explain the authors of the study.

Long-term survival rates similar to a heart attack
In addition, the scientists found that parts of the heart muscle are replaced by fine scars. This reduces the elasticity of the heart and prevents it from contracting properly, say the scientists. The results of the study may help explain why the so-called Takotsubo syndrome leads to similar long-term survival rates as in people with a heart attack, say the scientists.

Broken Heart Syndrome causes long-lasting damage to the heart
It has previously been thought that people with Tako-Tsubo syndrome will fully recover even without medical intervention. However, the study has now shown that this disease has much longer lasting harmful effects on the hearts of those affected, as suspected, explain the researchers in a press release on the study results.

Disease occurs more often
Recent studies have shown that this disease is not as rare as we previously thought, say the authors. The effects of the so-called broken heart syndrome on the heart of patients are so serious that this issue should be taken quite seriously.

Recovery may take longer or not occur at all
The study has clearly shown that in some patients with Tako-Tsubo syndrome, various aspects of cardiac function are abnormally affected for up to four months. Of particular concern is the fact that the hearts of the patients have some form of scarring. This suggests that a full recovery in such individuals may take much longer or at worst does not occur, say the authors. The findings highlight the need to urgently develop new and more effective treatments for this devastating syndrome, the study authors emphasize. (As)