Cardiac arrest Women are less likely to reanimate than men

Cardiac arrest Women are less likely to reanimate than men / Health News

Why are women rarely revived during cardiac arrest??

When it comes to reviving people, every second counts. American researchers now wanted to find out if there are differences in readiness to revive that are gender related. They found that women are much less revived compared to affected men. Apparently there is a reason for this: helpers are afraid of reproaches if they are to revive women.

The researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia found in their current study that women get significantly less help, for example, if they suffer from cardiac arrest. Helpers are often worried that they will be reproached for attempting to revive women. The experts published a press release on the results of their study.

Without resuscitation measures, patients have no chance of cardiac arrest. Physicians found that women with cardiac arrest were less likely to receive resuscitation compared to affected men. (Image: charnsitr - fotolia)

Women often do not receive life-saving help

When it comes to a cardiac arrest in public, every second counts and quick action is needed. Therefore, the current study result is particularly worrying. For women who urgently need life-saving help, people often do not intervene.

Physicians analyzed data from more than 19,000 patients

For their investigation, the researchers evaluated the medical records of more than 19,000 patients. They concluded that men have an increased likelihood of surviving a circulatory arrest in public. The result is frightening: when women suffer a cardiac arrest in public, only 39 percent get a necessary life-saving chest compressions. However, if a man is in the same situation, help is provided in 45 percent of the cases.

Men more often survive a cardiac arrest in public

This leads the physicians to estimate that men are 23 percent more likely to survive such a life-threatening incident compared to women. However, the observed difference in the performance of a cardiac massage occurs only when a life-threatening cardiac arrest occurs in the public.

How do I perform a chest compressions massage??

If first responders are forced to perform a chest compressions massage, they should press on the center of the affected person's body about 100 times per minute. This should happen so strong that the upper body sinks about five inches deep, experts advise.

Uncertainty and false shame seems to cost many women their lives

The lack of helpfulness among women with cardiac arrest seems to be due to the fact that many people have a strong insecurity about whether they really are allowed to touch women in public in the chest, according to the study author Audrey Blewer of the University of Pennsylvania.

In an emergency, fast action is required

Not only the lack of helpfulness in women is a big problem. It could save about 10,000 lives per year in Germany alone, if first responders would immediately start with a chest compressions. Certainly most people have a first aid course several years ago. For this reason, these people often have doubts in an emergency situation as to how a chest compressions must be performed correctly. Such doubts are in a situation where every second counts, however, completely unfounded. It is important to act at all and to start immediately with the first aid, explain the authors.

Resuscitation must be performed immediately, regardless of gender

"The most important finding from this data is that we need to find better and more effective ways to educate the public about the need to conduct a resuscitation, regardless of factors such as gender, age, or the weight of the person concerned," explains Dr. Benjamin Abella. (As)