Heart failure We should know these first signs

Heart failure We should know these first signs / Health News

Education campaign warns of the dangers of heart failure

There are indications that at first sight may not seem to indicate that one of the most common diseases in Europe and the Western world - the so-called heart failure - is for most people. Occurring signs are often not recognized at all or simply not taken seriously. Over the Heart Weeks 2017, experts will now treat heart failure as a focal topic. A big campaign should lead to a better education about the dangerous disease.

The scientists of the German Heart Foundation now warned in the course of the Herzwochen of the dangers, which emanate from the Herzschwäche. This disease is one of the leading causes of death in Germany. The physicians of the Deutsche Herzstiftung published a press release on the upcoming Herzwochen with the main topic: The weak heart.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of heart failure as early as possible in order to initiate a successful treatment. Unfortunately, most of those affected are unable to do so. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Many sufferers do not recognize the first signs of heart failure

There are many minor ailments that may indicate a dangerous heart failure. These include, for example, decreased performance, shortness of breath, swollen legs and feet, rapid fatigue and persistent cough, say the doctors. However, a major problem with the timely treatment of heart failure is that most sufferers do not recognize these first signs at all. The signs are often not taken seriously or attributed to advanced age.

Hundreds of thousands of patients a year hospitalized for heart failure

Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death in Germany. Each year about 400,000 people are hospitalized for heart failure. A major problem with heart failure is that it is usually not detected early and treated. As a result, the likelihood of effective treatment is significantly reduced. For example, in 2015 alone, approximately 445,000 heart failure patients were admitted to hospital, and more than 44,500 people died of the dangerous disease.

It is very important to recognize signs as early as possible

"One of the reasons for the high mortality rate of cardiac insufficiency is that many sufferers are unaware of illness-typical signs such as shortness of breath, loss of power and swollen legs with ankle edema (water retention), or they are reluctant to age." med. Thomas Meinertz, Chairman of the Board of the German Heart Foundation. This is particularly fatal for the people affected, because early detection of heart failure and consistent treatment of the causes increase the likelihood that a life-threatening course of the disease is prevented, the expert adds.

Too few people receive optimal treatment

Despite the availability of better and better treatment options, many of the affected people do not receive optimal treatment. This is often due to the fact that the possibilities of treatment are too little known. The Herzwochen-Aufklärungskampagne should change this now. On November 15, the cardiology department of the St. Vincenz Hospital will also be holding an information event on the important topic of heart failure at 6 pm in the Limburg Stadthalle in cooperation with the German Heart Foundation.

People must learn to recognize important signals and symptoms in good time

The more people recognize their personal risk for cardiovascular disease, the easier it can be to counteract the disease, the researchers say. If an occurring heart failure is detected early, immediate treatment can save those affected from premature death. However, to be able to recognize the disease at an early stage, the signals and symptoms of heart failure must be identified and interpreted in good time.

Women are particularly at risk

Unfortunately, many of the patients usually seek medical attention only too late. This is particularly annoying because early diagnosis can slow the progression of the disease. Women in particular should be aware of the symptoms and, if they occur, seek medical advice quickly because women have a significantly increased risk of heart failure.

In Germany, about two to three million people suffer from heart failure

In Germany alone, the number of patients with cardiac insufficiency is estimated at between two and three million cases. Of course, the diagnosis of heart failure raises many questions among the people affected. For example, whether a normal life with heart failure is even possible or which measures lead to an improvement. The experts will provide answers to these and other questions at their information event, where representatives of the German Heart Foundation will also be present.

Deutsche Herzstiftung publishes a brochure on the subject

"Despite better and better treatment options, many patients do not receive the optimal treatment, which is often due to the fact that these options are not well known. We must change this with the help of the Herzwochen awareness campaign ", emphasizes Prof. Dr. med. med. Meinertz. On the occasion of the Week of the Heart, the Foundation also issued a new booklet entitled: The Weak Heart - Diagnosing and Treating Heart Failure Today. The Herzwochen take place nationwide from 1 to 30 November. (As)