Pacemaker Caution with electrical appliances

Pacemaker Caution with electrical appliances / Health News

Pacemaker: Magnetic fields can interfere with the defibrator


Patients who have implanted a pacemaker should avoid modern devices such as smartphones or tablets such as the iPad. Especially when lying down, it could happen that the users fall asleep and land the devices on the chest. The result can be life-threatening heart stuttering or palpitations.

People with an implanted pacemaker should use electronic equipment such as mobile phones or tablet PCs´Do not use lying down. There is a risk that the user falls asleep during the application and the device is placed on the upper body. Dr. Warns Norbert Smetak from the German Association of Registered Cardiologists (BNK) in Munich. In the opinion of the cardiologist, there is a risk that the defibrillator will turn itself off due to the influence of the magnetic field and will no longer react in the case of cardiac disorders.

The doctor warns: „The pacemaker then no longer automatically when the patient begins a life-threatening palpitation.“ Therefore, the recommendation is: „Wearers of a pacemaker keep electrical appliances at least 15 cm from the body.“ (Sb)