Cardiac arrhythmias such as heart stumbling How do you become life-threatening?

Cardiac arrhythmias such as heart stumbling How do you become life-threatening? / Health News
The form of cardiac arrhythmias determines the risk
A regular, strong heartbeat is the basis of a healthy cardiovascular system. In cardiac arrhythmia, the frequency of the heartbeat gets out of sync and there are complaints of discomfort that can range depending on the extent of cardiac arrhythmias to fainting or even the death of those affected.
In its current guide to cardiac arrhythmias, the German Heart Foundation provides detailed information on the various forms of arrhythmia, available treatment options and options for prevention.

Which treatment is actually recommended for the different forms of cardiac arrhythmias, why potassium and magnesium are so important for those affected, how to protect themselves from the widespread disease atrial fibrillation and many other questions are discussed in detail in the guide of the German Heart Foundation. Even though those affected often think directly of the worst, namely a heart attack, in cardiac arrhythmias, many forms are today easily treatable and patients are often hardly restricted in their everyday lives. To assess the risk, however, a specialist examination is urgently required from the cardiologist.

Cardiac arrhythmias do not necessarily have to be dangerous, but they should be checked by a specialist. (Image: psdesign1 /

Slight deviations of the heart rate are normal
Especially with mild cardiac arrhythmias often show no concomitant symptoms and those affected are not aware of their deviant heart rate. However, the body is basically dependent on a regular, strong heartbeat. Here is the normal heart rate at rest between 60 and 100 beats per minute, Professor Thomas Meinertz, Chairman of the German Heart Foundation in Frankfurt am Main, cited by the news agency "dpa". Any deviations, such as too slow, too fast or even irregular heartbeats are called, according to the expert as cardiac arrhythmia. However, irregularities in the heartbeat, for example extra bouts in the context of heart stumbling, are normal to a certain extent.

Impact-like change in the heart rate alarming
In the case of pathological cardiac arrhythmias, according to the expert, an abrupt change of the pulse to a very high or very low heart rate is typically observed. This is usually the result of heart disease such as a heart muscle inflammation or constriction of the coronary arteries, cites the "dpa" Professor Meinertz. As risk factors for the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias, for example, particularly high mental and physical stress, overweight, magnesium and potassium deficiency should be mentioned. But also lack of sleep and the excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol and nicotine can play a role, according to the expert.

Two million Germans affected by atrial fibrillation
As a possible sign of cardiac arrhythmia called the German Heart Foundation symptoms such as respiratory distress, tightness in the chest and dizziness. Also, some sufferers fall short for a short time. However, the extent of the complaints is not an indicator of the dangers of cardiac arrhythmias. For example, threatening cardiac arrhythmias could be ignored by those affected for a long time, explains Meinertz.

According to the German Heart Foundation, the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation. In Germany, about two million people are affected. The impulse in the heart is disturbed in this complaint. Thus, the electrical impulses from the right atrium are not properly forwarded, but instead "other electrical impulses are circling in the atria," says Felix Gramley from the Heidelberg private clinic for cardiology. This results in uncoordinated excitation of the atrial musculature. "As a result, the atria no longer contract regularly and no longer actively transport the blood into the ventricles," explains Gramley. The atrial fibrillation also promotes the formation of blood clots, bringing with them an increased risk of stroke with them.

Treatment for atrial fibrillation
Treatment for atrial fibrillation also includes the prescription of blood-thinning medications and so-called beta-blockers to reduce the risk of stroke. In particular, these should help patients with minor discomfort to control their heart rhythm and to avoid too high and too low heart rates, cites the "dpa" Felix Gramley. In this treatment, however, the atrial fibrillation persists as such.

In severe symptoms, however, the so-called electric cardioversion can be applied in which two electrodes on the chest under short anesthesia deliver a targeted electric shock towards the heart, causing the atrial fibrillation is reset and the normal heart rhythm again use, reports the expert. If this does not bring the desired long-term success, there is also the option of a so-called catheter ablation, which provides a desquamation of certain areas in the heart tissue, which are responsible for the atrial fibrillation by means of high frequency current or cold, reports the "dpa", citing Felix Gramley , The resulting scars prevent the glitches from being relayed.

Ventricular fibrillation: Cardiovascular system is practically silent
A dangerous cardiac arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation, in which the heart muscle beats faster than 300 beats per minute "so that it can hardly pump blood and oxygen through the body," explains Philipp Sommer of the Heart Center Leipzig. Heart and circulation would actually stand still at this moment. A sudden loss of the pulse and powerlessness are the consequences. "Already within ten minutes, the probability of survival decreases by more than 50 percent, and the risk of brain damage increases drastically due to the lack of oxygen," summed Sommer by the "dpa". In this case, those affected depend on immediate help. Passers-by also have to react immediately, check their breathing and, if necessary, start a chest compressing massage, warns the expert. This helps to maintain blood flow a little bit.

However, ventricular fibrillation can ultimately be interrupted only by a defibrillator. Its surge briefly brings the heart to a standstill, "so that it then returns to its normal rhythm," said Sommer. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can be found in many public facilities today and can save lives in such a case. They are also easily applicable by laymen.

According to information from the German Heart Foundation, the first aid measures are successful and patients survive. According to the German Heart Foundation, acute ventricular fibrillation is subsequently followed by a follow-up treatment in which a small defibrillator is usually implanted. He will automatically analyze every heartbeat and if there is another ventricular fibrillation will deliver electric shocks within a few seconds. "When the patients are awake they find it painful, but it saves their lives"; emphasized Philipp Sommer. (Fp)