Herzrasen Freihaus Café sells drink that is 80 times stronger than espresso

Herzrasen Freihaus Café sells drink that is 80 times stronger than espresso / Health News
Wachmacher: Coffee that is 80 times stronger than Espresso
Without coffee, many people often do not run anything in the morning. First, two or three cups of the munter and the day can begin. The stimulating effect can also be exaggerated. In the Australian city of Adelaide, a café sells a coffee 80 times stronger than espresso. For cardiovascular patients, the drink is not recommended.

Coffee is not unhealthy
Coffee has long been considered a health hazard. Excessive consumption of the popular hot beverage has been associated, among other things, with an increased risk of diseases such as hypertension or heart attack. In recent years, however, studies have often come to the opposite conclusion. This way, coffee can be good for the heart and also prevent arteriosclerosis. Most people drink the hot drink not for health reasons, but to stay awake.

In a cafe in Adelaide, Australia, a coffee is sold that is 80 times stronger than espresso. Cardiovascular patients should avoid the drink better. (Image: breakingthewalls / fotolia.com)

The popular pick-me-up
Coffee is popular as a pick-me-up, but in higher doses it often loses its effect, as recently reported. But what if the drink is much stronger than regular coffee? Experienced people in Adelaide (Australia) can try that out. There, a café serves a drink that is supposed to keep it up for 18 hours, reports the internet portal "junkee.com".

80 times stronger than espresso
In the "Viscous Coffee" in Adelaide, Australia, a coffee is sold that should be 80 times stronger than espresso. In the drink called "Asskicker" land four espresso shots, some milk and two different mixtures of coffee, which are obtained by the cold-drip method (droplets - with maximum caffeine content).

Baristas working in the café had developed the drink to help a nurse stay awake while working shifts. However, they had to adjust the recipe after realizing that the woman was kept "awake for a total of three days" by the coffee mix.

Nothing for people with cardiovascular diseases
When customers order the "asskicker", they receive a briefing from the staff. The drink must therefore be taken necessarily salty. Café owner Steve Benington says he has to be "slurped for three to four hours".

Otherwise, it could lead to significant health problems. The café notes that people who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure drink coffee at their own risk. (Ad)