Duchess Kate helps mentally ill children

Duchess Kate helps mentally ill children / Health News

Duchess Kate makes herself strong for mentally ill children


Duchess Kate, wife of English Prince William, advocates for mentally ill children. In a video message as part of the nationwide „Children's Mental Health Week“ she asks for quick help for children who are struggling with mental health problems.

Duchess warns about the consequences of bullying
In a video message, Prince William's wife Kate turned to her compatriots and called for the fight against mental illness in children. As the news agency dpa reports, warned the mother of the little Prince George, who expects her second child in April, urgently from the consequences of bullying. She also warned against the influence of family problems such as divorce, which could lead to anxiety, depression, addictions and self-harm.

Children often do not get the help they need
Many children would not get the help they need, as mental illnesses stigma attached, as the 33-year-old said. „William and I firmly believe that early action can prevent childhood problems before they become major problems later in life“, so the Duchess. She published the video on behalf of the organization „Place2B“, which is used for school children with mental health problems. On Monday, a nationwide theme week on mental health for children was launched in the UK for the first time „Children's Mental Health Week“.

More and more German children and adolescents suffer from depression
In Germany, more and more children and adolescents suffer from mental illnesses. For example, statistics show that the number of young people diagnosed with depression has been rising for years. Health experts say that higher school performance, among other things, can promote illness. Sufferers usually suffer daily from melancholia, concentration problems, inner restlessness, sleep disorders, lack of drive and reduced self-esteem. Often such diseases are recognized late, as the behavior of children and adolescents is postponed to puberty. (Ad)