Heart problems toe and leg pain warn of early heart attack

Heart problems toe and leg pain warn of early heart attack / Health News

Nonspecific symptoms such as pain in the calves while walking and / or lying down can be typical symptoms of arteriosclerosis

In addition to the typical symptoms such as chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath and reduced performance, nonspecific symptoms such as leg pain may indicate a sudden heart attack. Special attention should be given to pain in the calves when they occur while walking and running, and then to relax when you stop. According to the cardiologists of the German Heart Foundation, this also applies to pain on the toes, which subside as soon as you get up.

"Both symptoms can be a typical indication of atherosclerosis," says the foundation. In arteriosclerosis, deposits occur at different parts of the body, which in turn lead to circulatory disorders, says Prof. Dr. med. Eike Sebastian Debus from the Clinic for Vascular Medicine at the University Heart Center Hamburg in the current issue of the newsletter of the Heart Foundation.

Calf pain can be an important indication of an impending heart attack. Image: TANABOON / fotolia.com)

Also other leg sections can be affected
"Although pain in arterial calcification in the legs most commonly occurs in the calves, other leg sections may be affected. Depending on where the vascular deposits block the blood flow, z. As well as complaints in the thighs or in the buttocks possible, which should also be a doctor's visit, "as the physician explained.

Since the pain in the legs in an arteriosclerosis usually occur only in the later course of the disease, at this time often already a significant calcification of the coronary arteries is present. In the further course, this can result in an acute and life-threatening heart attack.

Patients affected by the described calf pain and / or leg pain should insist, during consultation with the physician, that not only the legs but also the heart are regularly examined. Adequate examinations are an ECG, cardiac ultrasound, exercise ECG and, if necessary, a minimally invasive cardiac catheter examination, the costs of which are also covered by the statutory health insurance funds. Ultimately, the doctor decides which diagnostic means must be used.

Take complaints seriously

Patients should take the complaints seriously, so the vascular physician. The risk of a heart attack is very high. According to some statistical surveys, 75 percent of those affected later succumb to a heart attack. The statistics show that with this complaint the risk is clearly above the national average.

This can prevent atherosclerosis

To protect against arteriosclerosis, various effective measures can be taken. The best option is active movement. For example, endurance sports can typically "significantly slow down" the development of arteriosclerosis. Even smoking should be stopped. Studies have shown that as early as 24 months after the last cigarette, the risk of further vascular deposits is similar to that of non-smoking normal people. In addition, "the pressure should be taken from the legs". This refers to the permanent lowering of blood pressure, as far as hypertension is concerned. Last but not least, according to the medical profession, lowering the prevalence of excess weight with the help of a healthy and balanced Mediterranean diet rich in fish, vegetables and good olive oil. (Sb)