Heart attack risk measurable in the hair

Heart attack risk measurable in the hair / Health News

What is the risk of heart attack in a human? Researchers have found that heart attack risk can be measured with hair analysis. According to the results, the cause of an infarct of the heart could be stress.

Researcher of „University of Western Ontario“ in the Canadian city of London have found that the risk of heart attack is measurable by means of a hair analysis. In patients who already had a heart attack, the scientists were able to detect an elevated cortisol level. Cortisol is a so-called stress hormone and is deposited in the hair. The cortisol concentration in the hair makes it possible to measure how high the risk of heart attack is.

Interesting in this context is the suspicion that has been going on for years, that stress in work, family or relationships increases the risk of heart attack. Because stress leads to an increased release of cortisol. So far, it has only been possible for physicians to measure the stress hormone in the blood, saliva or urine. However, the hormone was only measurable immediately after the stress situation. Doctors wanted to measure a longer period, that was hardly possible. Through the hair analysis, it has now been possible to determine just this long-term value. This is what the molecular toxicologists around Gideon Koren and Stan Van Uum reported in the current issue of the science magazine "Stress".

In one study, the hairs of 56 male myocardial infarction patients were examined. In a control group there were another 56 men who stayed in the hospital for other health reasons. Hair samples were also taken from them. The researchers found that a person's hair grows on average one centimeter per month. From this it became apparent that a three-centimeter-long hair sample provides values ​​from the last three months. The study found that the stress hormone value of heart attack patients was significantly higher in the last three months compared to the other subjects.

In addition to stress, other factors are also responsible for a heart attack. This includes an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking or obesity, as well as high blood pressure and diabetes. But the research showed that stress had the highest risk value. The scientists see the findings as significant findings in myocardial infarction research. Because when stress-plagued people change their lifestyle and thus avoid stress, numerous heart attacks could be prevented.

In this context, the results of a Danish long-term study fit the "Glostrup University Hospital". There they had examined and accompanied nurses in professional life for more than 15 years. On the basis of an evaluation it could be stated that women who complained of stress were also much more frequently affected by heart attacks. (Sb)