Heart attack & stroke symptoms often unknown

Heart attack & stroke symptoms often unknown / Health News

Many Europeans are not aware of the symptoms of stroke or heart attack


In a heart attack or stroke, fast, correct action often determines the life and death of the patient. But many people can not even recognize the warning signs of a heart attack or stroke, according to the results of a representative survey of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK).

In nine European countries, the researchers identified what knowledge in the population on the symptoms and necessary measures in a heart attack or stroke are present. The result is sobering: „Many Europeans know surprisingly few signs of heart attack and stroke“, reports the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in a recent press release. Although the Germans, in addition to the Austrians, had performed best in recognizing the symptoms, knowledge of the necessary immediate measures was lacking. „Only one out of every three Germans would call an ambulance in an emergency - that puts them at the bottom of the European average“, This is the message of the Max Planck Institute. Here, health is becoming an educational problem.

One in five does not know a single stroke symptom
Heart attacks and strokes are, according to the researchers „the most common cause of death worldwide“ and in an emergency, particularly fast action is required. However, anyone who does not recognize the warnings can not respond appropriately. This applies, for example, to the eight percent of the population, who could not name a single heart attack symptom in the current survey or nearly 20 percent who did not know a stroke symptom. In the typical complaints of a heart attack, however, slightly more than half of Europeans would recognize chest pain as a clear warning. Which symptom knowledge in the population are present, the researchers determined by „a total of 10,228 persons from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Great Britain, Russia and Poland“ to select typical disease symptoms of a heart attack or stroke from a list.

Only a third of Germans would call an ambulance
In the case of heart attack symptoms, the Germans detected an average of 3.2 out of six symptoms, „while Italians, Poles, Spaniards and Russians recognized less than two symptoms“, reports the Max Planck Institute. But what use is this knowledge, if then many do not realize what they should do. For example, only 33 percent of Germans surveyed said they would call an ambulance immediately if they had a stroke. A measure that, according to the researchers, should normally be immediate, as „Patients fastest guaranteed the best treatment.“ In contrast to the Germans, two-thirds of Poles and Russians and half of other Europeans knew what to do. Curious and equally questionable are the steps that many Germans and Austrians would take instead of the necessary measures. As recommended by the Max Planck Institute „28 percent of Germans and 30 percent of Austrians drink tea or a drink of water to those affected, or go to bed and simply wait and see.“ A recommendation that could at worst have fatal consequences.

More health literacy required
Study leader Jutta Mata from the Max Planck Institute for Educational Research spoke of a surprising „Discrepancy between symptom and action knowledge“ - especially in Germany. Furthermore, the managing director of the Max Planck Institute for Educational Research, Gerd Gigerenzer, was astonished that „Even people with hypertension or obesity who are at an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, only a little better informed“ are, as the average of the population. Noteworthy is also, „that those who visit their doctor regularly, in no country know better what to do with stroke symptoms - except in the UK“, Gigerenzer continues. There are many discussions about more money and better technology in health care, „but what we need most is more citizens with health literacy and doctors who have time to inform their patients“, so the conclusion of the expert. (Fp)