Heart attack worse in the morning than in the evening

Heart attack worse in the morning than in the evening / Health News

Heart attack worse in the morning than in the evening


Heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) vary in severity, depending on the time of day they take place. A heart attack in the morning is about 21 percent stronger than a heart attack in the afternoon, say Spanish researchers in the current issue of the British journal "Heart".

According to Spanish researchers, the "internal clock" of humans has a strong influence on how severe a heart attack is. So heart attacks in the morning are far more dangerous to health than in the afternoon or evening. Which further findings for the medical practice can be deduced from the results of the Spanish researchers remains so far relatively unclear. It is possible that at-risk patients, especially in the morning, should be careful to take care of their heart.

Heart attacks in the morning about 21 percent stronger
The Spanish researchers analyzed the medical data of more than 800 patients at a clinic in Madrid from 2003 to 2009 as part of their study. They found that patients who had a heart attack between 6:00 and 12:00 in the morning had around 21% more severe health outcomes than patients who had a heart attack in the afternoon or evening. However, out of the 811 patients examined, only 269 had a myocardial infarction in the morning. Nonetheless, their study confirms the results of earlier studies that found a significant relationship between the "human heart" and the health risk of heart problems, Spanish researchers report in the journal Heart. Among the study participants, around 75 percent were men with a mean age of 62 years and around a quarter were women.

Heart attacks in industrialized nations one of the leading causes of death
Heart attacks are now one of the main causes of death in the industrialized nations. Around 280,000 people suffer a heart attack in Germany every year, which puts the myocardial infarction in second place among the causes of death, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Heart attacks are generally an acute, life-threatening event that usually manifests as sudden, relatively long-lasting pain in the chest. Also in the shoulders, arms, in the lower jaw and upper abdomen (pain in the upper abdomen) considerable pain can occur during a heart attack. At the same time, heart attacks often involve sweating, nausea and vomiting. Anyone who notices the corresponding symptoms should immediately call an emergency physician, because every second counts in a heart attack and there is an acute danger to the patient's health. (Fp)

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