Heart-touching Still-Photo makes people feel good Baby came into the world with brain tumor

Heart-touching Still-Photo makes people feel good Baby came into the world with brain tumor / Health News
Photo on the Internet: The fate of six-month-old Xenia touches tens of thousands
According to health experts, brain tumors are very rare, but they can affect almost anyone. Even with small children. For example, at the small Xenia, she was born with a malignant brain tumor. The fate of the now six-month-old girl touches tens of thousands after a still photo of the little ones has been posted.

Little girl with aggressive brain tumor
Little Xenia has probably seen more doctors in her young life than many adults. The little girl from the USA has an aggressive brain tumor. According to media reports, she was probably already born with it. Shortly after birth, the head of the now six-month-old girl swelled more and more. Her parents Anastasia and Jaimy then took her to the pediatrician, who immediately referred her to a clinic. In the Children's Hospital Colorado, an MRI scan showed water retention in the head caused by a massive brain tumor. At the time, she was two months old.

According to health experts, brain tumors can affect anyone, even small children. So also the six months old Xenia. The baby's story touches thousands. (Image: bevisphoto / fotolia.com)

On surgery followed chemo
Meanwhile, the girl has three surgeries behind her and is struggling with chemo that follows the removal of the tumor. A scar on Xenia's head bears witness to the torment she endures. "If only you could say how she feels," says her mother on the Facebook page "Xenias Journey". There, Anastasia talks about the difficult time her daughter has to go through. She also thanks for the many positive reactions to a photo that shows her daughter breastfeeding.

Compassionate reactions after still-photo
The mother had previously posted the still image on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk page. "I am overjoyed that I have the opportunity to breastfeed during chemotherapy. It's a beautiful close-by experience, especially since we have no guarantee that she will experience the next day. Every day is special. "The compassionate responses were overwhelming. More than 30,000 people have so far clicked "Like". Many reported their own experiences with childhood cancer.

It could be everyone
Brain tumors can hit anyone. This has to do with the fact that there are hardly any risk factors that favor the tumor, as the University Hospital Freiburg explained in a press release. Tumors of the brain are considered relatively rare. According to the experts, signs of a brain tumor can be severe headaches, nausea, speech and vision disorders, epileptic seizures and even personality changes. "If these symptoms occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible for further clarification," said Professor. Anca-Ligia Grosu, Medical Director of the Department of Radiotherapy of the University Hospital Freiburg. (Ad)