Correctly interpret heart pressures. Act quickly in case of a heart attack

Correctly interpret heart pressures. Act quickly in case of a heart attack / Health News
Proper behavior in a heart attack can save lives and prevent consequential damage
When people suffer from a heart attack, it is especially important that sufferers correctly classify the symptoms and respond quickly to avoid permanent damage to the heart. Only in case of immediate action, it is possible that the people affected by the infarction on the emergency call 112 in time to request medical assistance and can be delivered by an ambulance in a hospital.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack in good time and then immediately alert an ambulance. Only then can the heart be protected against permanent damage (heart failure). "Unfortunately, more than half of all heart attack infestations before reaching the clinic are to be lamented, because those affected with infarction suspect too long before the 112 or hesitate to correctly allocate the symptoms of infarction", reports Prof. Dr. med. med. Heribert Schunkert Medical Director of the German Heart Center Munich.

When a heart attack occurs, every second counts, so to speak, as soon as possible to receive a life-saving treatment and to avoid possible consequential damage to the heart or even death. (Image: hriana /

Hundreds of thousands of heart attacks every year in Germany
When people suffer a heart attack, it is especially important to respond quickly. A heart attack can trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation). These can then lead to dangerous damage to the so-called heart tissue. Heart attacks are unfortunately widespread. Every year, there are nearly 300,000 people in Germany who suffer a heart attack and more than 48,000 people die as a result, the experts explain.

Proper and quick action can prevent any damage to the heart muscle
By acting quickly, the heart specialist can avert any damage to the heart muscle. The life after the disease can usually be continued with an unchanged performance, if it is possible for the treating physicians in a timely manner to reopen the closed by the blood plug coronary vessel, says Professor Schunkert.

Where can I get advice after a heart attack??
Of course it is also important how patients behave after a heart attack to avoid potential harm and negative effects. For such people, there are special advisers of experts who provide heart failure patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) or after surviving heart attack hints to improve the health of the heart. For example, the German Heart Foundation offers the "Heart at Risk: Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Attack", which are requested free of charge.

How can affected people protect themselves from a new heart attack?
In general, according to the expert, the pre-treatment after a heart attack is not taken enough. In fact, the question arises whether a surviving heart attack is not a kind of indication of a next coming heart attack. Even if sufferers recognize a heart attack in time and thanks to their quick and correct reaction to survive the incident unscathed, the heart attack treatment does not stop in the catheter laboratory, so the note of the German Heart Center Munich. A coronary heart disease is often the trigger for a heart attack and this heart disease does not end just because sufferers suffer a heart attack, but will continue thereafter. This type of disease must be treated with the help of a so-called triple therapy, say the experts.

Even after a heart attack, the heart disease persists
Many sufferers displace the fact that a present coronary heart disease after the heart attack still exists. However, if those affected continue to live their lives as before the heart attack, they risk another heart attack. It is very important that treatment of coronary heart disease is done to avoid the increased risk of another heart attack. However, if those affected continue exactly as they did before the infarction without treating their CHD, they risk a renewed heart attack, warns Professor Schunkert.

Benefits of a triple therapy
If affected heart patients take their rehabilitation after a heart attack seriously, the risk of a renewed heart attack can be averted. A triple therapy in follow-up after a heart attack is able to prevent or at least slow down the progression of coronary heart disease. Such therapy includes, for example, the ingestion of various medicines that prevent the formation of clots, reduce cholesterol and are used to treat high blood pressure and heart muscle damage.

Those affected must change their diet and move more
In order to achieve the necessary changes in lifestyle that lead to a reduction in the risk of heart attack, nutrition and daily physical activity must urgently be improved. Regular exercise and endurance enhancement exercises (30 minutes, 5 times a week at best) are an important first step. The second step is to move towards a healthier diet. Here, for example, offers the so-called Mediterranean cuisine. The third important point in preventing further heart attacks is the consistent avoidance of all infarct risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, smoking and stress, the researchers suggest.

Most people do not rehab after a heart attack
In rehabilitation, heart attack patients can learn to better manage their illness. Those affected can familiarize themselves with a healthy lifestyle and also deal with questions about occupational reintegration. Surprisingly, only a few people with a heart attack decide after their illness for the important rehab. It is estimated that only about half of heart attack patients receive such follow-up treatment. Twenty to thirty percent of patients also require psychological support to deal with fears of a new heart attack. (As)