Heart Attention to cardiovascular problems when hiking

Heart Attention to cardiovascular problems when hiking / Health News
Cardiovascular problems: Do not make too much when walking
Doctors usually advise cardiac patients to exercise regularly in order to prevent diseases such as heart attacks and co-infections. Especially those who like hiking in the mountains, should not make too much. Experts advise people with cardiovascular problems from moving to high altitudes.

Hiking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
According to health experts, adequate exercise will provide a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure or heart attack. Especially hiking lowers the cardiovascular risk. It should not be overdone. An older study showed that only moderate exercise is suitable for cardiac patients. Professor Martin Halle of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Heart Foundation also advises people with cardiovascular problems not to go too far when hiking in the mountains. In a message from the news agency dpa he said: "Of everything that is over 2500 meters, I would rather advise against cardiac patients."

Heart patients should not go too far when hiking. Heights of more than 2,500 meters are to be avoided. (Image: Monkey Business / fotolia.com)

Heart patients should not go too far
Although heights of up to 1,500 meters are usually not a problem for people who walk regularly and are fit, but tours that lead to higher altitudes, you should discuss in advance with his cardiologist. It depends on the severity of the heart disease and on the physical fitness, which is feasible for the individual. Halle recommends cardiac patients to exercise for about ten minutes daily to improve their fitness. For example, by going for a quick stroll. This improved blood sugar, blood pressure and blood flow in the vessels more effectively than if a longer session was taken just once a week. The time factor also plays a role: "Everyone can quit for ten minutes."

Thin mountain air can cause problems
With the cable car to go to a mountain of over 2,500 meters and then walk upstairs, Halle is only advisable if the heart disease is only light and everything stable. In this type of mountain tour you do not have the intense burden of high-altitude hiking, but above, the thin mountain air could cause problems. On their website, the experts of the German Heart Foundation have another tip: Cardiac patients who go hiking in the mountains, a localization period of one to two days is advisable. During this period you can get used to the climate and the altitude with short and easy hikes. Longer stages should be on the program for the next few days. (Ad)