Autumn let children play outside

Autumn let children play outside / Health News

Children's Health: Children can play outside in the fall.

Many parents believe that cold in itself can harm children. For this reason, children are often dressed too heavily or are prohibited from playing in the fresh air during the autumn days. But children should also be allowed to play outside in the cold autumn weather. Also, the cold weather is important for the child's health, so that the immune system is conditioned and they are more resistant to colds or typical autumnal diseases.

Do not put children too fat or too warm
Parents should not put their kids too fat, as children tend to move a lot and sweat. The sweaty clothes could make them sick. It is best, therefore, for children to put on several pieces of clothing that they can take off when needed, when they are too warm. That advises the parent magazine „children“ in her current issue.

The heating in the nursery not too high
Even in the apartment parents should make sure that the heating in the nursery is not turned up too high. Too warm and dry air dries out the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. Here, viruses that lead to infections, easier to fix.

Prevent autumn diseases
Typical autumn diseases can be prevented with natural remedies. For example, to protect the sensitive nasal mucosa, one drop of sunflower or rapeseed oil can be dispensed into each nostril daily. Continue to autumn diseases. (sb, 11.09.2010)

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Image: Juana Kreßner