Hepatitis A viruses in strawberry yoghurt cuts?

Hepatitis A viruses in strawberry yoghurt cuts? / Health News

The manufacturer "Aerzener Brot und Kuchen GmbH" warns about the consumption of his product „Natreen Strawberry Yoghurt Sections 400g "It is possible that individual batches contain viruses that cause hepatitis A. Consumers who have already purchased the food product should not eat it.


The Aerzener Bread and Cakes GmbH has informed with a recent mediation authorities and consumers that individual batches product „Natreen strawberry yoghurt cuts 400 grams "could be contaminated with hepatitis A. According to information from the company, all affected goods are already removed from the shelves in the supermarkets as a result of a recall.

Imported strawberries could be contaminated with the hepatitis A virus
The recall was initiated because the manufacturer was informed by the competent authorities that strawberries imported from China could be contaminated with hepatitis A viruses. A first suspicion arose after authorities in Belgium had laboratory tests of strawberries from the same supplier. According to this, any contamination that may have occurred was not created during the manufacturing process in Germany, but already abroad. But those strawberries were also used for the production of „natreen strawberry.Yogurt cuts“ processed with a weight of 400 grams

After the announcement of the authority information the food manufacturer of the „natreen strawberry yoghurt cuts“ according to own data an immediate investigation initiated and the further production stopped. In addition, the company and the pre-supplier arranged a laboratory inspection. Fortunately, no hepatitis A virus has been found in strawberries so far. However, the official final result of the food control authority is still outstanding.

Do not consume but return to the trade
According to the manufacturer, contaminated strawberries could have entered production, which is why, as a precautionary measure, certain batches were removed from the market. Each pack contains a total of four cuts. Batch numbers are affected: Batch L 12048 with a best before 05/2013, Batch L 12083 with a best before 06/2013, Batch L 12114 with a best before 07/2013, Batch L 12145 with a best before 09/2013, Lot L 12180 with a best before 10/2013 and charge L 12297 with a best before 01/2014.

Consumers who have already purchased the batches should never consume the product, but return it to the market. There, the purchase price will be refunded upon presentation of the receipt. Afterwards the supermarket can dispose of the product properly. So far, the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Thuringia have been affected.

Hepatitis A is caused by viruses. The main symptom of the infectious disease is acute liver inflammation. Mostly, the disease heals without serious complications. In most cases, the viruses are transmitted through contaminated food or drinking water. The incubation period is 25 to 30 days. The first symptoms are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, fever, a light bowel movement and dark urine. Rarely, jaundice occurs.

Update 25.11.2012: Even the samples taken by the authorities themselves remained without findings. That is, hepatitis viruses could not be detected in the samples. Further sample results are available at the beginning of the week. Furthermore, the initial presumption that the strawberries distributed in Belgium are identical to those processed in Germany does not seem to be confirmed, as the company said in a statement today. (Sb)

Photo: Manufacturer