Helmet therapy against head deformation in babies

Helmet therapy against head deformation in babies / Health News

Head deformations can be remedied by the helmet therapy


Not infrequently, babies develop a so-called storage-related head deformation, if they are too much on the back. Is it coming? „severe deformities, the initially purely cosmetic problem can even be a painful strain on the cervical spine or the jaw“, reports the German Society for Pediatric Surgery (DGKCH). Against the strong head deformations the professional society recommends therefore a so-called Helmtherapie, by means of a „Head, which is worn permanently, the growth of the skull targeted in the desired direction“ can be steered.

The head deformation develops in babies by the permanent lying on the back. The soft skull bone adapts and changes shape. Since the reserve protects against sudden infant death, a different sleeping position is not recommended. But there are various ways to counteract the head deformation early. Here, for example, the DGKCH calls a positioning cushion that allows the rear head section to float freely in the air, as an option. „With this simple measure, a head deformation can be avoided, "said Professor Dr. med Joachim Jähne, President of the German Society of Surgery (DGCH) in March at the 131st Congress of Surgeons in Berlin.Also recommends the expert to maintain the supine position only while sleeping. As soon as the children are awake, they should be moved and placed on their abdomen, as this will help build muscle and improve the mobility of the head.

Permanent supine position leads to head deformation
„If the newborn sleeps on his back every night, the still slightly deformable back of the head can flatten by pressing against the surface“, DGKCH explains the phenomenon of head deformation. Although there are no exact figures on how many infants are affected by such deformity, „but every week I see three to four new cases in my office hours“, so Professor med. Guido Fitze, Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Pediatric Surgery at the University Hospital Dresden. In his opinion, about every 200th child could be affected by a head deformation. If there is any deformation of the head, DGKCH experts generally advise you to take immediate countermeasures. „If there is a flattening of the back of the head, therapy should be started early“, stressed Professor Fitze. According to the expert, manual therapies such as osteopathy, physiotherapy and chiropractic are particularly suitable for mild deformities in order to correct the deformations with the help of a type of reflex zone training, the stimulation of specific movement sequences and the release of cervical blockages. The manual procedures have particularly good chances of success if treatment is started in the first year of life. The treatments extend over several months, explained Professor Fitze.

Start helmet therapy early
However, massive deformations of the skull can not be corrected with the manual procedures, so the DGKCH recommends helmet therapy here in order to avoid long-term impairment of the children. „Since the skull grows very fast in the first year - it increases in circumference twelve to thirteen centimeters - should be started with the helmet therapy at the age of six months“, reports the professional society. Professor Fitze added that „In this growth time the helmet will best correct the deformation“ can. Over a period of three to six months, the therapy must be applied in the rule. „Does the child consistently wear the brace 23 out of 24 hours a day?“, However, the expected results are „very well“. The cost of the helmet in the amount of about 1,700 euros, however, are not covered by all health insurance. Overall, according to the DGKCH with appropriate therapeutic care to the preschool age, there are good chances that the head deformations grow again. (Fp)

Picture: Nicole Müller