Do grapefruits help with diabetes?

Do grapefruits help with diabetes? / Health News

Help grapefruit in diabetes?

(27.08.2010) Sauer makes fun. But bitter makes you healthy. Israeli scientists have discovered that the substance responsible for the bitter taste of grapefruit „naringin“ Can support the therapy of type 2 diabetes and helps to lose weight.

In the test of the drug to rats, the researchers found that „naringenin“, which in the mining of „naringin“ in the body, which makes animals more sensitive to the hormone insulin. Also enabled „naringenin“ a protein group in the liver that supports the breakdown of fatty acids, that is, promotes fat loss. The liver undergoes a process, similar to prolonged fasting, without having to forego food intake, as the „naringenin“ stimulates the corresponding processes in the liver. The substance thus combines the properties of various drugs in a preparation, according to the results of the research team to Jaakov Nahmias. „naringin“ could therefore be like fat sinker „fenofibrate“ and diabetes drugs like „Rosiglitazo“ According to the researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the online journal "PLoS One", Naringin is a supplement with a clear safety profile, "Jaakov Nahmias emphasized," and there are even indications that it is the Protects the liver from damage. " (Fp)