Healing effects through nuts Effective against colorectal cancer and heart disease

Healing effects through nuts Effective against colorectal cancer and heart disease / Health News

Nuts help against heart disease and colon cancer

Nuts are excellent sources of healthy fat, protein and other important nutrients. Several studies report that nuts can also help with heart disease and colon cancer. Surprising findings from nutrition research have shown that people who regularly eat nuts are at less risk of developing heart attacks or cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, a study in colorectal cancer patients showed that consuming nuts is associated with much lower risks of disease return.

A research team from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Bosten, USA, recently showed a better chance (42 percent) that bowel cancer patients who regularly eat nuts would not have the disease return, seven years after their operation. and a lower risk of dying (57 percent) compared to patients who did not eat nuts. Another study by the "Department of Nutrition" from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, USA, showed that eating nuts several times a week with a 30 to 50 percent lower risk of heart attack, sudden cardiac death or cardiovascular disease is related.

Several studies prove the healing power of nut. Apparently, it helps colon cancer patients in the therapy and can contribute to the protection against heart disease. (Image: karepa / fotolia.com)

Nuts and colon cancer

Nuts survive colon cancer: "Eating nuts is one of the factors that can potentially change the risk of developing colon cancer," says study author Dr. Temidayo Fadelu in a press release on the study results. However, nuts are no substitute for standard therapies. The benefits were also found only in tree nuts, such as walnuts and almonds. For peanuts (actually a legume) or peanut butter, the positive aspects did not come up.

Generally lower risk of cancer death

The work builds on previous studies on the effects of lifestyle on the development of cancer. The 2013 New England Journal of Medicine's large observational study found that people who ate nuts daily were eleven percent less likely to die from cancer than people who did not eat nuts.

Nuts are healthy, but not a panacea

Fadelu clarifies that nut consumption is just one factor among a range of healthy behaviors that reduce the likelihood of colon cancer. Increased physical activity, a healthy weight and low intake of sugars and sweetened drinks also help to reduce the likelihood of colorectal cancer.

Nuts and heart disease

Eating nuts regularly protects against deadly cardiovascular disease. Other studies have shown that regular nut consumption can also help prevent heart disease. "A diet containing 30 grams of nuts daily can reduce the risk of heart disease," the Department of Nutrition of the Harvard School of Public Health wrote in a press release.

Nuts have a positive effect on the cholesterol level

The unsaturated fats containing nuts lower the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol. In particular, walnuts contain a group of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), which, according to scientists, seems to prevent the development of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help prevent blood clots and are also found in fatty fish such as salmon.

Beware of weight gain

However, the experts warn against simply adding nuts to the diet. 30 grams of nuts have about 185 calories. Those who consume it additionally during the day could increase up to five kilos in one year. According to the scientists, it is best to reduce other less healthy snacks like chips and eat the nuts or use them instead of meat in main courses or salads. (Vb)