Prevent heavy sweating and sweat odor in summer temperatures

Prevent heavy sweating and sweat odor in summer temperatures / Health News
How to avoid unpleasant sweat odor in summer heat
Especially in summer, excessive sweating can be very uncomfortable. If the clothes stick to your body and you stew, it would be best to stay away from other people. With a few simple tips, sweat odor can be avoided even in extreme heat.

Sweating regulates body temperature
Although an international research team has recently reported that they found in a study that sweat smell due to certain chemical substances can make other people happy; but most are more likely to share the opinion that sweat smells bad. In addition, he is annoying if he lets the clothes stick to the body. On the other hand, sweat is also vital to humans. In general, sweating is a natural process that regulates body temperature and water balance. Without sweat, humans would overheat. In addition, sweat ensures the preservation of the acidic protective coating of the skin by lipids contribute to the hydration of the skin.

So they reduce sweat. Image: gstockstudio - fotolia

We sweat for different reasons
As the news agency dpa reported in a report on the topic, evaporates every day about half a liter of water on the skin to cool the body. If it is very hot or even with heavy physical effort, it can sometimes even be several liters. About two million sweat glands have a human. Most are located on the palms, soles and armpits, which explains why many people complain of sweaty feet or sweaty hands. Even with nervousness, stage fright or anxiety we start to sweat. In addition, hormonal factors, dietary habits or disorders affect sweating. It is also known that men often sweat more than women. However, when it comes to the question of whether sweating in sports is a sign of poor condition, scientists are not quite in agreement.

Airy clothes and open sandals
Human sweat consists of 99 percent water. There are also mineral salts, urea, fatty acids and glucose. Fresh sweat is odorless. The unpleasant body odor arises only when sweat is decomposed by bacteria on the skin. In the dpa message are some useful tips of the AOK Clarimedis expert Bernhard Schlüter called, how to get rid of the annoying stuff. So you should just wear in the heat as light and airy clothing that avoids the heat accumulation and ensures that the body cools faster. Dr. Eike Eymers, a doctor at the AOK Federal Association had also recently given some tips against sweaty feet in the summer. She pointed out that good ventilation, hygiene and proper footwear are particularly important in the summer months to avoid the unpleasant smell of sweat. If you walk completely barefoot in summer, you have the least problems. Even open shoes such as sandals offer significant advantages due to the good ventilation.

It depends on the right nutrition
Sweat formation can also be reduced by using deodorants. The contained antibacterial substances limit the multiplication of the bacteria so that the unwanted odor is minimized. Schlüter recommends that deodorants should always be applied to clean skin. In addition, the registered nurse advises to remove the underarm hair, as this also reduces the spread of bacteria. Even through proper nutrition you can meet the problem. Odor-promoting foods such as onions or garlic should be avoided, according to the expert. Also to be avoided are coffee, alcohol, nicotine, spicy and indigestible foods. Relaxation exercises for stress relief such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation are recommended. Sage tea helps to reduce sweat production from the inside. But you can not completely prevent sweating. Basically, to treat unpleasant body odor with sufficient hygiene and not easy to cover with fragrances. (Ad)