Midwives Why you should wait until after the Easter days if you want to have a baby by conceiving

Midwives Why you should wait until after the Easter days if you want to have a baby by conceiving / Health News
Midwife advises to have children: Wait until after Easter
Easter is just around the corner. Thanks to the days off, most people have more time for their family or partner. Couples who wish to have a child should better not use the Easter days for procreation, advises a midwife. Why?

Prevent better until after Easter
The midwife Christine Niersmann warns in a post on Facebook people who wish to have a child better "until about after Easter". Because: "If you father a child in the next 6 weeks, there is a high chance that this child will be born in December / January." But then there could be shortages in obstetrics: The "Advent and Christmas time like Even New Year's Eve staff are staffed even worse than the rest of the year. "The customer review has been automatically translated from German.

Couples who wish to have a child should better wait until after Easter to conceive, says a midwife. Otherwise, the baby would be born at a time when there is a shortage of labor in obstetrics. (Image: Photographee.eu/fotolia.com)

Care in obstetrics not guaranteed nationwide
Niersmann refers in her article to the "Midwifery shortage in Germany":

"The care in obstetrics (pregnancy / childbirth / childbirth care) is already no longer guaranteed nationwide," said the midwife.

"But over Christmas time and New Year's Eve it will certainly be BAD."

"Many freelance midwives take fewer women, so they have some time for their own family and in clinics there are only emergency staff in the delivery room over the holidays," writes the obstetrician.

"It's better to witness your child AFTER Easter. For a safe pregnancy and childbirth and a well-supervised childbed. "

Close more and more delivery rooms
The poor care at birth stations has long been a problem.

Due to the increasing cost pressure of the German clinics, more and more delivery rooms are closing. And in the remaining, there is often a dangerous midwife shortage.

One factor that plays a significant role here is the lengthy dispute over liability insurance for freelance midwives. According to the German Midwives Association (DHV), premiums have increased more than tenfold since 2002.

Reasonable remuneration for midwifery services
Moreover, according to DHV, midwives are not paid well enough: "It is regrettable that the social appreciation of certain occupations does not affect their pay," says Martina Klenk, President of the DHV in a statement.

"The current negotiations with the health insurance companies about the remuneration of midwives, for example, show in a new way that the work on people and with him is still regarded as unselfish. We demand the appropriate remuneration of midwife services according to their social significance. "(Ad)