Highest in one week 111 new measles cases

Highest in one week 111 new measles cases / Health News

Peak: 111 new measles cases in one week


The measles wave has reached a new high in Berlin: In just one week, 111 new cases were reported. To make matters worse, measles now make chickenpox more prevalent in Berlin.

New high in Berlin
In Berlin, the measles wave has reached a new high. According to the dpa news agency, "111 new cases were reported for the current week to Friday morning alone." At the current outbreak, this is the highest number ever seen in a reporting week. As reported, "the peak so far at the end of January was 88 cases per week". Silvia Kostner, spokeswoman for the state health and social affairs office, said that "since the beginning of the wave in October, a total of 724 people have contracted measles".

Most of the patients were not vaccinated
This year, nearly 600 people were infected. About a quarter of the patients had to go to hospital because of the severity of the infection. According to the information, almost 90 percent of the approximately 630 patients surveyed had no vaccine protection. Convinced vaccination opponents still point out possible side effects of immunization such as redness, swelling, fever or itchy rash. However, these are negligible compared to the effects of measles disease, my advocate. At the moment, the number of chickenpox diseases is also increasing in the capital. Even against this infectious disease could protect a vaccine.

Babies from unvaccinated mothers have no protection
In connection with the current measles wave in Berlin, the discussion about compulsory vaccination has rekindled. Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas had recently pointed out in an interview that the measles vaccination could come. Especially toddlers could be protected. So far, 70 babies under the age of one have been infected in Berlin. It should be noted that newborns have no protection if their mother was not vaccinated against measles before pregnancy. In Germany, a vaccine is only allowed from nine months.

Berlin toddler died of measles
Because of the risk of a fatal late sequel paediatricians see for babies with measles a special danger. In February, a Berlin toddler died of measles. According to the information, it was not vaccinated. The Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) has recently warned that parents should leave their babies at home due to the wave of ill health in Berlin. (Ad)

> Image: Sebastian Karkus