HAV abuse of fentanyl patches

HAV abuse of fentanyl patches / Health News

Store and dispose of Fentanyl patch after use


Apparently fentanyl patches are increasingly being used by addicts for a dangerous intoxication, as the Hessian Pharmacists Association (HAV) warns in a recent communication. Drug addicts would search the patches in medical waste from clinics or geriatric care facilities. The experts warn against the misuse of the already used fentanyl patches. There were also cases of misplaced patches.

Dependents try to get fentanyl patches prescribed
The prescription fentanyl patches are superficially prescribed to pain patients. The patches are a kind of carrier for high-dose pain medicines. According to the HAV addiction patients would increasingly try to have the patches prescribed by a doctor. „The victims run a so-called doctors hopping to get to recipes with fentanylhaltige plasters“. According to the Pharmacists Association „take the abuse of painkillers drastically. As a result of overdoses, the number of deaths has also increased. Drug addicts cook up the collected patches to remove the drug. These are then injected using a syringe. Other addicts would „chew on the plaster until the active ingredient is absorbed through the oral mucosa.“

Call for special storage
The association therefore calls all hospitals and nursing homes to dispose of the already used fentanyl patches separately. „The patches should be better collected, cut and stored in a safe place until final disposal.“ Patients who have been prescribed the fentanyl-containing patches for home use should return them to the pharmacy for disposal after use or return them directly to the pharmaceutical company. However, this would only happen on a voluntary basis. But it was also important that the pavement „In any case, do not get into the hands of children, because in the worst case this could lead to cardiac arrest and severe respiratory problems“.

The active ingredient Fentanyl has a strong sedative and analgesic. The agent is about 120 times more potent in its mode of action than morphine, with the duration of action is significantly shorter. Dependents use the remedy intravenously, as this is where a maximum effect can be achieved and the duration of action already starts after 2 to 4 minutes. The remedy is listed in the Narcotics Act (BTM) in Germany as well as heroin. (Sb)

Image: Gerd Altmann / shapes: photoshopgraphics.com