Skin cancer symptoms Melanomas can act like a simple nail fungus

Skin cancer symptoms Melanomas can act like a simple nail fungus / Health News
Have changes on the toenails examined
Skin cancer is very Tuk. This is not always clear. For discoloration of the fingernails or toenails most people are more likely to think of a nail fungus. Such a mushroom can be gotten quickly by appropriate ointments under control. It can also be a form of skin cancer. This was pointed out by a British woman, for example, who posted a photo of her thumb nail on Facebook. She writes "I thought it was just a wart or nail fungus." However, the doctors told her that it was a malignant melanoma. She had to have some parts of her thumb amputated.

Alleged nail fungus turned out to be dangerous skin cancer
"I am lucky. The cancer did not spread. I lose half of my thumb, but the cancer will disappear, "Melanie Williams recently wrote on Facebook. With her post, she wants to encourage people to take discoloration on their nails seriously and have them examined by a doctor. "I do not want your sympathy. I want to attract attention, "says the young Brit. "Go and let every change in your skin control. Do not look for excuses, do not leave it to chance. "

(Image: toscana / fotolia.ccom)

Your call to the social network has been shared over 100,000 times. "Please do not comment on how brave I am, but share my mail so everyone will be alerted," Williams said. Last week she announced that further investigations would be made and that she could lose more of her thumb.

Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer. Experts advise to check the skin regularly for changes. The "ABCDE of melanomas," can be used, writes "CBS News". "A = asymmetry (asymmetry): A liver spot whose shape and color are uneven. B = Border: Melanomas have an irregular, scallop-shaped or poorly defined boundary. C = color (color): deviations from one place to another; Shades of light brown and brown, black; sometimes white, red or blue. D = Diameter: Melanomas are usually larger than 6 millimeters (the size of an eraser) when diagnosed, but they can also be smaller. E = development (evolving): A liver spot or a skin lesion that looks different from the rest or changes in size, shape or color, "CBS News explains the acronym.

A sunburn can damage the skin permanently. Very dreaded is the skin cancer. Picture: m0622 - fotolia

Suspicious skin should always be checked by a dermatologist. In addition, statutory health insurance in Germany is entitled to skin cancer screening every two years from the age of 35. (Sb, ag)