Skin cancer tanning more dangerous than suspected

Skin cancer tanning more dangerous than suspected / Health News

Working Group Dermatological Prevention: Increased risk of skin cancer caused by solariums


Tanning in the solarium increases the risk of skin cancer significantly more than previously thought. According to the Dermatological Prevention Working Group, the use of tanning beds is responsible for the fact that „the so-called black skin cancer increasingly in younger people, especially in women“, is diagnosed.

„The risk of malignant melanoma increases to almost 200 percent if tanning beds are regularly used until the age of 35“, so the statement of the Chairman of the Working Group Dermatological Prevention (ADP), Professor Eckhard Breitbart in the current press release. The expert refers to a meta-study of French and Italian scientists, which was presented yesterday in Berlin as part of an international EUROSKIN workshop.

Every year, according to the German Cancer Aid, around 24,000 people in Germany develop black skin cancer and around 3,000 die as a result of the disease. The significant increase, which is particularly noticeable in the younger, is at least partially due to the frequent use of solarium in the opinion of the experts. The Germans are European champions in artificial tanning, according to the press release of the ADP.

Even a visit to the solarium per month increases the risk of skin cancer significantly
The meta-analysis on possible links between skin cancer and solarium use, published by French and Italian scientists on Monday, takes into account the nine largest studies in the world so far devoted to the subject. The result is clear: the risk of having black skin cancer due to visits to the solarium is much higher than previously thought. One of the considered studies has even shown that one sun exposure per month increases the risk of skin cancer by 2.4 times per month after two to three decades compared to persons who do not attend a solarium, the researchers reported at the international EUROSKIN workshop. Gerd Nettekoven, Chief Executive of German Cancer Aid, said today at a press conference in Berlin: „We will therefore raise awareness of the risks of solarium use even more.“ However, the expert also sees the authorities in the duty. The solariums need „urgently need to be regularly monitored so that the UV protection regulation in force since January“, so the statement by Gerd Nettekoven.

Young women especially often in the solarium, correspondingly high is their skin cancer risk
In a recent study, the Mannheim Institute of Public Health (MIPH) of the University of Heidelberg interviewed 4,800 Germans aged 15 to 45 years about their use of solariums in Germany for their solarium visits. The sponsored by the German Cancer Aid „SUN STUDY 2012“ shows that people under the age of 36 regularly use tanning beds. For example, around 3.5 million Germans under the age of 36 regularly go to the tanning salon. In addition, the study by the MIPH proves a very different usage behavior of visitors to the tanning booth. „In the case of solarium users, we have been able to identify a typical 'multiuser group' that is particularly at risk: women aged 18 to 25 years“, so the statement of Professor Sven Schneider from the Mannheim Institute of Public Health. The „Women of this age group are about twice as likely to sunbathe as men“, explained the expert. The risk of skin cancer is correspondingly higher. As part of the „SUN STUDY 2012“ The researchers also found that despite legally regulated restrictions on the use of tanning beds, around 167,000 of the tanning booth visitors were underage. In fact, operators are prohibited from granting minors access to the solariums. Since March 2010, fines of up to € 50,000 have been levied for violations. But many operators - despite the imminent penalties - do not seem to comply with the legal requirements.

Check compliance with the UV protection regulation
Overall, the legal regulations on UV protection in this country are already relatively comprehensive, but they do not seem to find the necessary consideration in practice. Since the beginning of the year, the UV protection regulation applies and sets strict quality requirements for the operators of solariums, such as a professional qualification of the staff of the tanning salons or a uniform irradiance of a maximum of 0.3 watts per square meter. However, according to the experts, the effectiveness of the regulation still has to be proven. This depends on how the individual federal states control compliance with the UV protection ordinance. However, according to the Secretary General of EUROSKIN, Rüdiger Greinert, the continuous „Interventions by the solarium industry at European level already now, to prevent success.“ For example try „the industry to undermine the required independent training of solarium professionals by creating their own training materials“, explained Greinert. This endangered the independent technical advice of the solarium visitors.

criticism of „therapeutic“ Offered the solariums
The experts also criticized the increased advertising of tanning salons with therapeutic offers. „UV therapies may only be performed under medical supervision after a clear benefit-risk assessment for the patient“, stresses the ADP chairman. „Because UV rays are a carcinogen and increase the risk of skin cancer“, so the professor dr. Breitbart continues. (Fp)

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