Skin cancer risk underestimated by solarium

Skin cancer risk underestimated by solarium / Health News

From August, sunbeds should not radiate more than the sun


For a tanned complexion, many people visit solariums here on a regular basis. Many people are unaware of the fact that they significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer. From August, a new regulation comes into force, which limits the maximum UV radiation in solariums to the strength of the sun. A maximum of 0.3 watts per square meter of skin is permitted, as the German Cancer Aid announced on Wednesday. According to a recent study, more than 3,400 new cases of skin cancer in Europe are attributable to artificial tanning every year.

Natural solar radiation and artificial UV radiation are major risk factors for skin cancer
Despite the new regulation, the German Cancer Aid advises against the use of solariums. "The new irradiance, however, still corresponds to the highest UV dose that can be measured on Earth: at noon in a cloudless sky at the equator," explains Gerd Nettekoven, chief executive of the Cancer Aid. "Previously, this irradiance of old devices was sometimes exceeded three times." The regulation, which comes into force from the first of August, is based on the UV protection regulation for sunbeds that has been in effect since the beginning of the year. The previously valid seal "Geprüftes Sonnenstudio, certified according to the criteria of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)" is no longer valid.

In addition to the natural sun, artificial UV radiation is considered the main risk factor for skin cancer. "Those who regularly use sunbeds before the age of 35 double their risk of developing the most dangerous skin cancer, malignant melanoma," warns Eckhard Breitbart, chair of the Dermatological Prevention Working Group (ADP)..

According to the German Cancer Aid, around 224,000 people suffer from skin cancer every year. About 26,000 people are the most dangerous malignant melanoma. This increasingly includes younger people, especially if they have regularly visited a solarium for years. According to the figures, around 3.6 million of the under-36s are currently artificially tanning. Since young women between the ages of 18 and 25 often go to the sunbed more than twice as often as men, their risk of getting skin cancer is particularly high. According to the German Cancer Aid, around 167,000 sunbed users are still minors, although the operators of tanning salons are legally obliged to refuse minors access to solariums.

Every year, more than 3,400 new cases of skin cancer caused by solariums in Europe
According to a new study in the journal "British Medical Journal", the risk of black skin cancer among solarium users is 20 percent higher than that of tanning beds. For under-30s, the risk can even increase to as much as 87% if artificial tanning is started at a very young age. The scientists from the International Institute for Preparatory Research in Lyon and the European Cancer Institute in Milano found that the risk of cancer increases annually by 1.8 percent with each visit to the tanning salon.

The researchers analyzed 27 observational studies on skin cancer and solarium visits, which included 18 European, seven US or Canadian and two Australian works. The investigations were carried out in the period from 1981 to 2012 with more than 11,000 cancer patients. Based on their calculations, the scientists found that 5.4 percent of the nearly 64,000 new cases of dangerous black skin cancer that occur in Europe each year are attributable to visits to the tanning booths. According to the calculations, more than 3,400 people suffer "on the tanning bed" every year from melanoma and 800 people even die from it.

The German Cancer Aid and the ADP therefore strongly advise against solarium visits. Eckhard Breitbart recommends "not to use tanning beds at all, because there are no tips on how to use a solarium without possible subsequent damage."

Since January 2012, operators of solariums have been obliged to clearly warn their customers of acute health damage to the skin and eyes caused by UV radiation. In addition, a tailored to the skin type of the customer consultation by the staff must be made and goggles are distributed. For the new sunbeds, there is a minimum distance between the skin surfaces and the tanning tubes. In emergency situations, they have to be switched off and switch off in the event of an inadmissible radiation dose on their own. In case of non-compliance with the legal requirements, solarium operators face fines. (Ag)

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