Family doctors demand homeopathy ban on health insurance

Bayerische Hausärzteverband demands homeopathy ban for health insurances
According to a message from the medical information service, the Chairman of the Bavarian House Physicians Association (BHÄV), Dieter Geis, calls for a homeopathy ban for statutory health insurance companies. „Autonomy therapy, homeopathy, osteopathy: Instead of spending the money for medical care, more and more health insurance funds are trying to attract healthy insured people with partly questionable alternative healing methods“, criticizes the BHÄV in the message. „A scandalous condition that policy and competent authorities should finally put a stop to“, calls Geis.
The German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) and its regional association Bavaria criticize "the populist remarks of the BHÄV and its chairman Geis". Finally, in §§ 2, 34 SGB V the legislative decision was made that "homeopathy is recognized as a special form of therapy as a cash benefit".
For good reason, the management company of the DZVhÄ holds selective contracts for homeopathy with approximately 50 percent of the statutory health insurance funds, which are access and quality-controlled. As a result, homeopathy is practiced according to a defined service description by physicians who, like any contract doctor, have a school medical education as well as a specialist qualification and have additionally qualified in a multi-year further training in single-agent homeopathy. As in other disciplines of contract medical care, these contracts require and review ongoing training.
Contrary to prayer-like repeated claims, there are high-quality studies showing the effectiveness of homeopathy. Others, including in the area of health services research, are in the planning stage. About 5 percent of physicians working in primary care in Bavaria are active members of the DZVhÄ, as well as other family doctors participating in the homeopathy contracts. Lots
From these colleagues feel after this statement by the BHÄV no longer collegially respected and represented. (sb, pm)
Picture: Günther Gumhold