Hartz IV recipients are to drug test

Hartz IV recipients are to drug test / Health News

88000 tests: Hartz IV recipients should be checked for drugs


Hartz IV recipients should be checked for drugs. This emerges from a newspaper report. It should be checked "if jobseekers are suitable for certain jobs". In principle, however, such examinations may only be ordered in exceptional cases.

Federal Employment Agency creates 88,000 drug tests
According to a newspaper report, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) creates 88,000 drug tests to check the unemployed and Hartz IV recipients for narcotics abuse. With these urine tests the report of the „image“ (Wednesday), among other things traces of amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and also antidepressants can be detected. According to a BA spokesperson, job brokers and job center employees can initiate drug tests on suspicion if the customer agrees.

Every year around 20,000 tests
According to a news agency dpa, this is not just about illegal drugs, it's about alcohol. According to BA data, around 20,000 job seekers are asked for a drug test each year. The spokesman for the BA objected to the presentation that the procurement of the tests was associated with a large-scale drug test campaign by the job center. He emphasized: „Drug testing has existed at job agencies and job centers for many years.“ The amount put out to cover the demand for the next four years. In principle, only job seekers who have doubts that they are drug-free would be tested.

Addiction problems in the workplace
It is reported that the tests are performed by the medical service of the work. The tests should check whether unemployed people are suitable for certain jobs, such as truck drivers. Some employers, such as airports or bus companies would demand such evidence according to the speaker. Although these drug tests are basically voluntary, they increased the job opportunities of the unemployed for certain jobs. In general, addiction problems in the workplace are a sensitive issue. Even if some companies, or even now offices, carry out such drug tests, it is not possible to avoid addictions that develop during the employment relationship.

Tests only in exceptional cases
That corresponding tests can be ordered only in exceptional cases, has also shown a court decision last year. For example, the internet platform www.gegen-hartz.de reported in October 2013 that an unemployed Hartz IV recipient was asked to take the drug test after repeatedly canceling appointments at the job center due to illness. The woman submitted a sick leave, but was finally asked to take the test, which she followed. And that, even though there was no concrete indication of drug addiction. The jobseeker felt overwhelmed and discriminated by the test arranged by the Job Center, so he went to court and got justice. The district court of Heidelberg had stated in the judgment (file reference: 3 O 403/11): „The investigation of a benefit recipient of basic benefits for jobseekers on an addictive addiction is only necessary in order to decide on the benefit § 62 SGB I, if there are indications of this from the behavior of the applicant or other accessible information.“ (Ad)

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt