Hantavirus infections in Germany are currently on the rise

Hantavirus infections in Germany are currently on the rise / Health News
Dangerous hantavirus: How to protect yourself
In Germany, hantavirus infections are currently increasing. The viruses are excreted by infected rodents, especially the red chick, saliva, faeces and urine. Transmission to humans occurs either through the respiratory tract or through smear infections. Experts explain how to protect yourself from infections.

More and more hantavirus infections
In various regions of Germany, there is currently an increased risk of hantaviur infections. These viruses are probably unknown to most German citizens, and usually only a few hundred people in Germany develop an infection every year. In some years, however, the spread of viruses is significantly increased, which is accompanied by a massive increase in the reported numbers of infections.

There are currently many cases of hantavirus infections in various regions of Germany. The viruses are transmitted via excretions of infected rodents, especially the red chick, to humans. (Image: Bernd Wolter / fotolia.com)

Infection numbers vary from year to year
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has currently noted a significant increase in hantavirus infections compared to the previous year, with individual regions such as Baden-Württemberg being particularly hard hit.

According to the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ), more than 450 cases have been reported in the southwest German state since the beginning of the year, far more than last year in the whole of Germany.

The numbers vary from year to year: While 282 infections were reported nationwide in 2016, there were a total of 2,824 cases in 2012.

In 2017, the experts of the State Health Office Baden-Württemberg expect again an increased prevalence of infections.

By mid-May, 607 Hanta infections had been reported to the RKI nationwide.

Even in parts of Bavaria, for example in the district of Deggendorf, attention is currently being drawn to the increased risk of such infections.

Causes of increased virus activity
The beech forests in many regions of Baden-Wuerttemberg are, according to the state health department, a "endemic area for hantaviruses and have experienced several hantavirus epidemics in recent years."

Here live the main carriers of the viruses, the red chickens (also other mouse kinds serve the viruses as hosts). These feed preferably on beechnuts. If there are many beechnuts in one year, then the mice can multiply extremely and with them the hantaviruses.

"The incidence of the disease varies from year to year and is likely to depend on the density and the prevalence of the local rodent population," explains the RKI.

Viruses are eliminated by infected rodents
"The viruses are secreted by infected rodents through saliva, urine and feces and can remain infectious for some time," writes the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) on its website.

"Transmission to humans takes place either via the respiratory tract by inhalation of virus-containing dust or aerosols (droplet infection) or by smear infections via the hands after contact with living or dead rodents or their excretions," it continues.

The pathogens spread in this country cause flu-like symptoms with an infection, with high fever, headache, abdominal pain and back pain, reports the RKI.

In the further course, a drop in blood pressure and eventually kidney dysfunction until acute renal failure can be added, the experts warn in a leaflet.

However, deadly events are rather rare in the European hantavirus species, in contrast to the virus variants that are widespread in North and South America.

Basically, hantaviruses occur worldwide, according to the RKI. The name is derived from the Korean border river Hantan, where during the Korean War in the early 1950s, more than 3,000 soldiers suffered from a severe haemorrhagic fever.

How to protect yourself
The RKI also explains how to protect yourself: "You can reduce the risk of hantavirus infection by avoiding contact with rodents and their excretions and taking certain precautions."

According to the experts, this includes "above all preventing the penetration of rodents into the living area and its immediate surroundings."

These measures should be implemented, especially in known endemic areas, if rodent infestation has been identified or if activities are performed in locations where rodents are expected to occur.

The LGL Bayern points out that in activities in rooms (sheds, cellars, attics, garden sheds) in which mice live, but also outdoors, e.g. For composting or woodwork, special care is required.

"Dust should be avoided during cleaning work by pre-moistening. In case of visible mouse infestation gloves and, if applicable, surgical mask should be worn. "(Ad)