Hannover bans e-cigarette

Hannover bans e-cigarette / Health News

The City of Hannover prohibits its employees from using the e-cigarette in the service rooms


Because it has not yet been scientifically clarified how harmful electrical cigarettes (so-called e-cigarettes) are, the city of Hannover is the first municipality to ban the inhalation of smoke substitutes to its employees.

The debate about the harmful effects of the so-called e-cigarette is not ending. After the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recently warned against the health risks of electric cigarettes, Germany's first city Hannover now prohibits its employees and officials from using the devices in public buildings and official vehicles of the city. As a spokeswoman of the municipality confirmed, already one „corresponding service agreement signed“. Accordingly, inhaling and vaporizing is now prohibited for staff working in the premises and vehicles during their service.

Nicotine is released into the room air
The reasons given for the drastic procedure are the recent evaluations by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. According to the research, as the water vapor exhales, much of the neurotoxin nicotine and other additives are released into the nearer atmosphere. „This creates an incalculable risk for non-smokers“, so the summary. Furthermore, the city spokeswoman referred to the role model function of the city officials. „The city of Hannover should lead by example.“ Hannover now wants to examine whether a general ban on the use of electric cigarettes in public buildings is legally feasible. However, this might prove difficult as the e-cigarette is not covered by the non-smoking law.

Users of the products call themselves „Damper“. Most have previously smoked tobacco and now try to get their addiction under control with the e-cigarette, supposedly „to inhale healthier“. The products consist of a housing, an electric steam generator and a replaceable cartridge. The liquids are filled with liquid and contain nicotine and other troublesome additives. Also commercially available are liquid mixtures without the toxic agent nicotine. To drive the electric cigarette is a battery in the housing. When the consumer pulls on the mouthpiece, steam is created, which is generated by the liquid contained.

Also additives under suspicion
The Federal Center for Health Education complained that the ingredients are declared by most manufacturers only inadequate. Because in addition to the nicotine nicotine liquid mixtures contain glycerol, propylene glycol and many other flavorings. The substances mentioned are suspected to develop a harmful effect on consumption. Recent analyzes showed that the inhaled liquid vapor consists of up to 90 percent propylene glycol. The ingredient may cause respiratory irritation, as the BZgA warned again. Long-term studies or experiences on a prolonged use do not yet exist, which is why the Federal Agency as the e-cigarette „risky“ panelist. The hope of some smokers, by substitution by means of electric cigarette to become a non-smoker, was „a misbelief“.

Another danger potential sees the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in the confusion of the market. There is no transparency of the substances used, warns Dr. Martina Pötschke-Langer. Therefore, be the advertised products „no adequate alternative that is harmless“. Most Liquid are distributed online on the Internet or in special stores. (Sb)

Read about:
Additives in tobacco more toxic than expected
E-Cigarette: Do not underestimate the health hazard
Electric cigarette is health risky
Electric cigarette harmless to health?
Electric cigarette with carcinogenic substances
E-cigarette less harmful than cigarettes?

Image: Viktor Mildenberger