Hemp as alternative medicine From morning on cannabis by the doctor on prescription

Hemp as alternative medicine From morning on cannabis by the doctor on prescription / Health News
Doctors in Germany will be able to prescribe cannabis flowers and extracts by prescription for many illnesses from tomorrow on, and in severe cases at the expense of the health insurance companies. The German hemp association welcomes this development, which will be a real relief for those affected. Not only pain patients, but also many other affected patients who suffer for example from sleep disorders, ADHD or depression, can thus receive in the future on prescription cannabis from the pharmacy.

This step represents a milestone for all concerned and the entire movement for the legalization of cannabis in Germany. After decades of ignorance about the suffering of patients in Germany, the government finally has a look. However, this does not happen out of pure humanity. The government also wanted to prevent the right to self-cultivation of patients, which was awarded to them by more and more German courts because of their emergency situation.

A new law makes it easier for critically ill people to get medical marijuana. Cannabis helps with many illnesses such as asthma or ADHD. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)

Georg Wurth, managing director of the German Hemp Association: "The government has clearly stated that the law should prevent the self-cultivation by patients. This is not acceptable to us. The German Hemp Association continues to call for the opportunity for affected patients to grow their own cannabis. "

The reasons for self-cultivation are manifold
"In addition to the cost savings for the health insurance companies, the huge diversity of cannabis varieties is also an issue. Some patients have positive experiences with a very specific strain and want to continue using it, "continues Georg Wurth.

Nonetheless, a new era is breaking in Germany today. Over the next few years, the general picture that prevails in Germany about cannabis is likely to change massively. From the drug to the drug, from the damaging devil's stuff to the salutary natural product, from the danger for young people to the blessing for the sick.

However, the managing director of the German Hemp Association still sees a need for information in society: "Especially in southern Germany, people still have to get used to experiencing cannabis users in everyday life. The police will also have to be prepared to allow patients to consume cannabis in public. "