Mobile phone radiation study sees no mobile phone risk

Mobile phone radiation study sees no mobile phone risk / Health News

New study: "No increased health risk due to mobile communications"


For years, cell phone radiation has been suspected of being carcinogenic. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned in the past about high-frequency electromagnetic radiation used in mobile communications. A new study comes to the conclusion that there is no increased health risk due to mobile communications.

No increased health risk through mobile communications
In the past, various studies have found that frequent use of cell phones may increase the risk of developing cancer. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) was led several years ago to warn against high-frequency electromagnetic radiation used in mobile communications. However, as several Austrian media report, the Dutch health council has now stated that there is no increased health risk through mobile communications.

Investigation of mobile radio fields
„Laboratory studies provide no reliable evidence that the high-frequency fields of mobile radio can cause tumors or promote their growth.“ To this result came a message of the „Forum mobile communication“ (FMK), the Dutch Health Council. A total of 54 studies on mobile and health were evaluated. It is said that the targeted effects of mobile radio fields were investigated in 23 animal studies alone. Their significance differs significantly from the usually epidemiological studies. In epidemiology, only people with disabilities are asked about their telephone behavior and the results compared with those of healthy people. Although it can be found correlations, but not causal relationships.

„According to current knowledge undetectable“
According to the Dutch scientists of the Health Council, it is after evaluation of all studies in total „highly unlikely“, Mobile radiofrequency electromagnetic fields can trigger or promote the development of cancer, and are therefore also in line with the assessment of the World Health Organization's (IARC) International Agency for Research on Cancer. Also the Austrian „Scientific Advisory Council Radio“ (WBF), which evaluated a total of 110 studies in 2013, came to a similar conclusion: „Disturbances of the condition due to high-frequency electromagnetic fields of the mobile radio devices are not detectable according to current knowledge.“ He warned, however, that the nature of the education influence personal risk perception. (Ad)

Picture: Lupo