Handypause Switch off properly at Christmas

Handypause Switch off properly at Christmas / Health News

Handypause: Switch off at Christmas


At Christmas time many people are energized and stressed, but actually the days are perfect for slowing down a bit. The ideal is to just let the phone go. In any case, during the festive days, hardly anybody requires constant accessibility.

Decelerate a bit
Although for some people stress and quarrel are pre-programmed under the Christmas tree, but you can avoid the Familienzoff at Christmas time out of the way. Partly by reducing one's expectations and focusing more on seeing friends or family again. The holiday season would be the ideal opportunity to take your time and to slow down a bit. Ideally, you just leave the phone for that. No one has to have a guilty conscience, because on these days, hardly anyone ever before provides constant accessibility.

Insert a mobile break
A mobile break helps to be able to switch off properly on the holidays. A better opportunity than Christmas, there is probably not to be unavailable for a few days. „No one expects you to be online on Christmas Eve“, said the media psychologist Markus Appel to the news agency dpa. As the professor at the University of Koblenz-Landau explained, the time between years in Germany is a phase in which everything should be allowed to decelerate a bit.

Break without guilty conscience
Especially those who usually sit in front of the computer or have their cell phone in their hands can therefore take a break without a guilty conscience. „If you want, you can use this time to let the technology rest“, advises the expert. „Christmas offers an opportunity like no other date.“ He also suggested that children and parents would have to develop media literacy in order to make good use of the new media. „Black and white thinking“ but be wrong. „A one-sided demonization of new media is anything but media-literate“, so Appel. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm