Mobile listened with a doctor blasphemed over a sedated patient

Mobile listened with a doctor blasphemed over a sedated patient / Health News
$ 500,000 in compensation for insults to a female doctor during an operation cell phone recorded everything
A 42-year-old female doctor in the US has to pay a patient about $ 500,000 in damages because she blasphemed during a colonoscopy on the man. Although the patient was sedated and got from the insults of the doctor with nothing, but his smartphone records everything.

Female doctor insults patients during anesthesia
"I would have preferred to give you a few slaps earlier in the consultation," said the 42-year-old during the treatment. In addition, she advised an assistant, the patient better not to touch, "otherwise you still get syphilis or something on the arm." The rash on the genitals of the man commented on the doctor also with a further defamation: "It is probably tuberculosis on the penis." Judicial documents have also emerged that also the gastroenterologist who had performed the colonoscopy, the patient has insulted, writes the "Washington Post Office". "As long as it's not Ebola, you're not in danger," he is supposed to have said. According to the newspaper, the gastroenterologist also did nothing to prevent the doctor from writing to the patient's medical record that he was suffering from hemorrhoids, although that was not untrue.

Female doctor complains about a patient during a treatment. The consequence: damages. Picture: lenets_tan - fotolia

Patient demanded $ 1.75 million in damages for the doctor's blasphemies
The man had put the smartphone according to own data on admission, in order to be able to listen to the preliminary discussion with the physician again later in peace. When he was taken to the operating room for colonoscopy, he forgot to turn off his smartphone. It was still in the pants of the patient lying under the operating table. When he listened to the recording after the procedure, he was deeply shaken.

The man sued the doctor then and demanded $ 1.75 million in damages. The judges discussed the case for a long time. "We finally came to the conclusion that we have to give him something. Just to make sure that does not happen again, "one of the jury told the newspaper. For the "syphilis and tuberculosis" quote alone, they claimed a claim for damages of $ 100,000. All other quotes were added up to another $ 400,000, so that the man a total of $ 500,000 damages were awarded for the blasphemies of the doctor.

The 42-year-old has now quit her service in the clinic. "There was not much opposition, after all, everything was on tape," the newspaper quoted one of the jurors. (Ag)

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