Hamburger Kita-food is not to complain about

Hamburger Kita-food is not to complain about / Health News

Kita food is not objectionable according to the health authorities

The Kita-food, after whose consumption nine Hamburg infants on Tuesday showed redness and some swelling in the face, was not objectionable by law. This has resulted in the study of a food tasting at the Institute for Hygiene and the Environment. In the preparation, however, a histamine-rich cheese was used. Histamine can cause overreactions in sensitive individuals.

Nine infants at a Hamburg day care center showed redness and some swelling in the face right after lunch on Tuesday. The ambulance suspected an overreaction to too much glutamate in the food. To investigate this suspicion, a sample of the food - cheese spätzle with tomato sauce - was examined at the Institute for Hygiene and the Environment. The food chemists noted on Wednesday that the glutamate content was not responsible for the children's symptoms - at 1.5 g / kg, it was well below the approved maximum level.

Also further investigations showed no reason for a complaint of the food sample. But the content of biogenic amines has been noticed, it was 65 milligrams per kilogram. This concentration is absolutely safe for adults. However, the reaction limits of infants are unknown, so that a connection can not be completely ruled out. The histamine found comes from the well matured cheese with which the cheese spaetzle was prepared.

Histamine is one of the substances released in an allergic reaction. Symptoms of increased histamine exposure may include: Redness, itching and swelling. The histamine content of foods is very different. For example, smoked fish and salami and foods that are fermented, such as sauerkraut, red wine or spicy-spicy cheeses, have particularly high concentrations. Sensitive individuals such as young children should therefore eat better mild cheese. (pm, 28.01.2011)