Hamburger Alster colored green by blue-green algae

Hamburger Alster colored green by blue-green algae / Health News

Blue-green algae in Alster: warning value exceeded


In the Binnenalster in Hamburg, the warm temperatures have greatly increased the blue-green algae and now present themselves in green robes. Due to the threat of harmful consequences, neither humans nor dogs should currently enter the waters.

High temperatures have accelerated algae growth

The environmental authority in Hamburg warned on Monday before contact with poisonous blue-green algae in the Binnenalster and Außenalster. Due to the high temperatures of the past days, the growth of algae has been greatly accelerated. Meanwhile, in some places the Alster a dense, green algae carpet has formed. As the Institute for Hygiene and Environment of the Hanseatic City advises, should currently neither humans nor dogs in the water. Those who still swim in it or ingest water, threaten harmful consequences.

Harmful consequences threaten
Possible complaints that may occur are skin problems such as itchy rash, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin and mucous membrane irritation, conjunctivitis or earache. In addition, blue-green algae are often associated with symptoms such as headache and fever. Allergy sufferers and people who suffer from atopic dermatitis or asthma should avoid any contact, according to experts. In dogs drinking Alster water, there is a risk of liver damage.

Water quality is good overall
If the wind brings together a lot of algae, it can also smell unpleasant at these spots. Currently the readings of the Alster with 50 micrograms per liter of chlorophyll would be above the warning value of the Federal Environment Agency of 40 micrograms. According to the institute, it was even 90 micrograms at the weekend. Should the algae continue to multiply, this could become one „upset“ lead the Alster, which would also threaten the fish stock. But so far the danger does not exist. Overall, the water quality is good, according to the latest measurements by the Environmental Protection Agency. In the summer months, it comes in Germany again and again to blue-green alerts. For example, at the beginning of the month, there were warnings of a corresponding health risk on the Steinhuder Meer near Hanover. (Ad)

Picture: Jürgen Hüsmert