Postural damage due to smartphone usage

Postural damage due to smartphone usage / Health News

Every day we hang our heads for an hour to look at smartphones or tablets. A force acts on the cervical spine, as if you were wearing a primary school student in the neck. In the longer term, this attitude leads to health problems. Herniated discs but also cardiovascular problems could follow.

Basically, our physique has been designed in the course of evolution to an upright gait. This development could now be reversed by the use of smartphones. One speaks in this context also of the „Generation head down“ or even that „Text neck“. This refers to all those who are engrossed in the operation of their mobile devices with their heads bowed and write e-mails or surf the net.

The experts have long agreed that "the so-called „Mobile neck“ "The idea that poor posture leads to biomechanical changes and makes them more prone to injury is an old idea," notes Simon Tang of the Department of Orthopedics at Washington University, St. Louis.

One recently in the „Surgical Technology International“ According to a study by Kenneth Hansraj, Chief Surgeon at the New York Hospital for Spine Surgery, an increase in postural damage is attributable to the use of smartphones. „The weight acting on the spine increases dramatically as the head is flexed forward. The loss of the natural curvature of the neck gradually leads to increased stress on the cervical spine“, so Hansraj in his study. Thus, the load on the cervical spine increases six-fold over normal loading at a sixty-degree incline. „These stresses can lead to rapid wear, tearing, degeneration and possibly surgery.“

Even minimal inclination doubles load
Even with a slight inclination of the head, the load on the neck and upper back spine increases, up to six times the normal load, which is the cause of gravity. Here Hansraj goes from an average load of „two to four hours a day“ which is due to the use of tablets or smartphones.

The study is confirmed by older studies on the burden of the lumbar spine whose results are proportional to the results of Hansrajs study cover. "From previous studies, we know that the pressure acting on the lumbar spine at normal posture is about 80 kilograms and at an inclination angle of only 10 degrees, it increases to 150 to 180 kilograms," said Jürgen Harms, spine surgeon at Heidelberg Ethianum.

In the case of a permanent change in the posture, "premature degeneration and damage to the intervertebral discs" will therefore be necessary. "Degeneration is often equated with illness," says Harms. "Degeneration per se, however, is not a disease, it happens in every body, from the day of birth". Already one hour a day leads to premature wear of the intervertebral discs.

As a preventive measure, Hansraj recommends "to maintain a healthy posture, ie to keep the head upright and not to sit or stand bent forward, thus preventing premature wear and tear."

Upright posture strengthens psyche
The upright posture is recommended for other reasons, as the star continues to report. So an upright walk should have positive effects on the psyche. Studies suggest that „upright“ Events on average more positive than people with a tilted head and drooping shoulders. The latter attitude is also associated with chronic head, neck and back pain, digestive difficulties, heart disease and depression as the cause.

Since the use of mobile devices is no longer indispensable, it is advisable to limit oneself to the most necessary use and to relocate other activities such as e-mails to the computer. In addition, it helps to keep the smartphones in different positions as possible at eye level, to prevent the wear of the intervertebral discs and relieve the spine. (Sb)

Picture: Peter Friday