Hallux valgus - ball toes What helps against pain and deformed toes?

Hallux valgus - ball toes What helps against pain and deformed toes? / Health News
What measures help with hallux valgus??
Deformations of the toes can increase in the long term and lead to significant problems. One of the most common symptoms in this direction is the so-called hallux valgus (also called Ballenzeh), in which the big toe is increasingly sloping. Not infrequently, especially at an advanced stage, surgery is required. But with physiotherapy exercises and aids such as toe spreaders or splints can often achieve relief without surgical intervention.

In particular, women are increasingly affected by a hallux valgus, where - in addition to a genetic disposition and the weaker connective tissue - the wearing of false footwear is considered the main cause. High-heeled, tight and pointed to the front shoes form a significant burden in the long term, which may have a corresponding malposition result. The big toe is shifted obliquely towards the second toe. The big toe ball, on the other hand, is reinforced on the inside of the foot.

The cause of frequent corns may be a zeheneformation such as the so-called "hallux valgus". (Image: misalukic / fotolia.com)

Deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint
Without treatment, the symptoms worsen increasingly and there are more inflammations in the metatarsophalangeal joint, which are associated with considerable pain. Bone tissue, tendons, muscles and other soft tissues are severely deformed and the metatarsophalangeal joint is displaced outwards. "At the foot of the foot below the big toe, a bony bulge shows," said the orthopedist Ramin Nazemi from Essen to the news agency "dpa". The displaced joint pushes unpleasantly against the shoe, which can additionally aggravate the discomfort.

Timely to the doctor
If there are identifiable changes in toe position, a doctor or specialist (orthopedist) should be consulted promptly, as long-term irreversible damage is imminent. These may also affect the knee joint, hips and back, as may change the rolling behavior of the foot and the entire course. According to orthopedic surgeon Mellany Galla, chairwoman of the Society of Foot and Ankle Joint Surgery (GFFC), toe suffers from toe splaying and targeted foot muscle training. In the case of hallux valgus in the initial stage, these can often help to alleviate the symptoms, according to the expert in the "dpa".

Treatment of hallux valgus
In addition to the toe spreaders, which are clamped as soft pads of silicone or similar material between the big toe and the second toes to keep the distance, special rails are also available, with which malpositions of the big toe can be corrected. Bandages and the so-called kinesiological taping should achieve a comparable effect. Last but not least, physiotherapy exercises that train the muscles of the toes form a frequently successful treatment approach. Not helpful are orthopedic insoles, says Ramin Nazemi.

In the worst case, an OP will be required
In the worst case, no relief of the symptoms can be achieved with all the methods mentioned, and surgery remains the only treatment option. Here, however, a variety of different surgical procedures are available, which should be adapted specifically to the respective symptoms of the person concerned. Present misalignments are corrected during the procedure and the deformations are remedied as far as possible. Basically, it is important to wear a bandage shoe for six to eight weeks after surgery so that the corrected bone does not break, says the orthopedist Nazemi in the message of "dpa"..

The risk of hallucx valgus can be influenced mainly by footwear. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes, without higher heels are appropriate here. Supportive can be strengthened with special exercises, the foot muscles and malpositions can be prevented. After a single instruction, for example, by a doctor or physiotherapist, these exercises are also independently feasible. (Fp)