Half pepper So strengthen the immune system

Half pepper So strengthen the immune system / Health News

Half paprika: This is how employees strengthen the immune system

Headache, a runny nose, scratching the throat: The cold season has also started the cold. Some people swear by vitamin pills, others advise against it. In particular, a balanced diet helps against cold viruses in the workplace. Experts therefore recommend that employees eat fruits and vegetables as often as possible.

Cold season has begun
Cough, runny nose, headache and body aches: The cold season has begun. Some people swear by vitamin pills. However, it is questionable whether or not it really helps to get rid of a cold with nutritional supplements that are currently being used by some professionals. „Foods are not medications. Anyone who has a cold does not cure themselves with healthy food“, explained Antje Gahl from the German Nutrition Society to the news agency dpa.

Strengthen the immune system with balanced nutrition
By contrast, if workers eat a balanced diet, they will not even get sick. For example, it is good to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the autumn, which is rich in vitamin C. This can strengthen the immune system. As Gahl explained, there is a lot of vitamin C in oranges, grapefruits or mandarins. For vegetables, peppers, greens or Brussels sprouts are highly recommended. „Half a paprika is enough to cover the vitamin C requirement for one day“, so Gahl. In addition, it is good to take preventive vitamin A, which is contained for example in carrots, spinach and kale. In general, it is best to know which foods contain the most nutrients.

Home remedies for common cold
Those who already have a mild cold should use herbal teas in the office, recommends Gahl. As a home remedy for cough, help thyme. Sage works against germs and is considered an effective home remedy for sore throat. Camomile has a calming effect and mint makes breathing easier. To sweeten, employees should ideally take honey. This has an antibacterial and expectorant effect. In addition, hot milk with honey is a popular home remedy for coughing. (Ad)

Picture: Sabine-Susann Singler