Hookworms in the foot - vacation ended in nightmare

Hookworms in the foot - vacation ended in nightmare / Health News

Caribbean holidays end with parasitic worms in the foot

The Caribbean appeals to many tourists with beautiful beaches and offers a great way to escape the dreary gray of winter. So a Canadian couple imagined their dream vacation in the Dominican Republic, but after they strolled on the picturesque beaches, they noticed a strong itching in their feet. The pair did so as harmless insect bites, but on their return to Ontario, the itching spots developed into painful swollen blisters and unusual bumps on the toes.

Even two doctors who consulted the couple were at a loss and could not identify the cause. Only the third doctor came to the blind passengers in the foot of the patients on the track. He diagnosed Larva migrans, a skin disease known as dermal mole.

The disease is caused by the larvae of certain hookworms, which are often found in faeces-contaminated soils in warm and humid climates such as in Africa, America, China and Southeast Asia.

Hookworm larvae can lurk in faeces laden with contaminants in warm and humid areas and can also affect humans on contact with the skin. (Image: Thaut Images / fotolia.com)

The life cycle of the hookworm

The hookworm larvae are found in the soil where they can come into contact with human skin. This often happens when running barefoot. The larvae can penetrate through the skin into the human host and then try to reach the small intestine of the host. There they develop into the adult hookworms, which can survive up to two years in the small intestine. They lay eggs in the intestine, which are excreted through the faeces and so can get into a new host. In addition to humans also serve various animals such as dogs and cats as a host.

Symptoms of hookworm infection

The larvae move slowly under the skin, causing itchy red lines. This condition is medically termed Larva migrans cutanea and can last for several weeks. Usually these skin irritations are harmless. If the larvae migrate into the lungs, respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing may develop. Heavy infestation of hookworm larvae can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and anemia.

How can the parasites be combated??

In most cases, the infestation of the parasite ends after one to three months of solely by the death of the larvae. In case of serious infections or severe mental stress, the German Dermatological Society (DDG) recommends oral therapy with ivermectin.

Should this not be successful, albendazole or albendazole-containing ointments can be used. The itching can be combated with glucocorticoid creams or systemic antihistamines. As a prophylaxis, avoiding barefoot walking on potentially contaminated areas helps. More information and natural help against worms can be found here. (Vb)