Hair loss This remedy causes hair to sprout again within a few days

Hair loss This remedy causes hair to sprout again within a few days / Health News

There will soon be a solution for hair loss?

Hair loss mainly affects men of advanced age. A drug for osteoporosis seems to be able to regrow the hair in just a few days. In various laboratory experiments such an effect could already be observed.

The researchers from Manchester University found in their study that a remedy against brittle bones could be used to treat hair loss. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "PLOS Biology".

Straight men often suffer from hair loss. An anti-osteoporotic drug could put an end to baldness and light hair in the future. (Image: Kurhan /

What are the options for hair loss?

Hair loss affects many men and so far, such a hair loss is hardly treatable. In the UK, there are currently only three different ways to treat hair loss, the experts say. The first two options are the drugs Minoxidil and Finasteride. The third option is a hair transplant.

WAY-316606 helps with hair loss

The scientists have now found a third drug, which seems to help against hair loss. This is the drug called WAY-316606. The medicine can combat baldness in just a few days and it also seems to have no strong side effects, explain the doctors.

WAY-316606 leads to hair growth after two days

Finasteride works only in men and, like Minoxidil, it also causes some side effects. WAY-316606 in turn promotes the hair growth of treated hair follicles within just two days, with no comparable side effects. In light of the new discovery, scientists now plan to conduct clinical trials on men to closely monitor how successful the drug is. If the medication works properly and is approved, it could be the solution for all bald people.

WAY-316606 is actually a drug for osteoporosis

WAY-316606 is a drug originally developed to treat osteoporosis, a disease in which bones are getting weaker, which makes them more fragile and increases the likelihood of bone fractures.

The drug blocks a protein

Laboratory testing of WAY-316606 resulted in a significant increase in human hair growth in just two days. WAY-316606 is a compound known as an inhibitor because it prevents a naturally occurring protein from acting, explain Manchester University researchers in a press release. The protein that is blocked is involved in the killing of hair growth and is associated with the formation of baldness in males, the physicians further explain.

Cyclosporin A lets hair regrow

The researchers found that the drug targets the same protein growth as a cancer drug called cyclosporin A (CsA). This was actually used to suppress transplant rejection. As a side effect, it also led to a rapid hair growth. However, cyclosporin A has a large number of unpleasant side effects, such as high blood pressure, headaches, kidney problems, nausea and vomiting. These side effects make the drug unsuitable for the treatment of hair loss, experts explain.

Further research is needed

If WAY-316606 undergoes further clinical trials and proves to be safe, it may be offered as a third alternative to a hair transplant, the authors of the study say. (As)