Good and cheap PKV protection in the test

Good and cheap PKV protection in the test / Health News

Private insurance coverage does not necessarily have to be expensive


A private health insurance (PKV) does not always have to be expensive, instead there are quite affordable offers that offer good benefits. A current review of the magazine „Focus Money“ and the insurance experts Franke and Bornberg shows which insurers are in question here and what they offer the insured.

„Focus Money“ tested „Affordable protection for higher benefits“
In a recent test, the magazine has „Focus Money“ (Issue No. 40 dated 25/09/2013) together with the insurance experts Franke and Bornberg, the offers of private insurers closer scrutinized. The focus was on the so-called „Balanced tariffs“, what is meant in the PKV the offers, the „Affordable protection for higher benefits“ Offer. In order to fall into this category, the tariffs had to have certain characteristics, such as at least 60 per cent reimbursement of dentures, 2-bed rooms in the hospital or the general reimbursement of wheelchairs.

Test winner: Allianz and Debeka
As test winners went in the category „Classic protection“ the alliance (AktiMedPlus90P, AktiMed WechselOption) and Debeka (N, NG), both according to Focus Money „Top services at affordable rates with excellent credit“ would offer. In detail, this means that in the ambulatory area - for example, at the expense of the naturopath - by the Alliance „90% up to a maximum deductible of 500 Euro, moreover 100% up to 1000 Euro“ be taken over while the „Debeka 90% up to a maximum deductible of 400 euros, about the entire cost“ refunded.

Debeka at Zhnbehndlungen spendable
Even in the inpatient area, there are small differences in the test winners. Accordingly, the Debeka would according to the magazine „the complete sum for the head physician treatment and accommodation in the 2-bed room“ the alliance paid first „from a deductible of 500 € the total cost, before the insured must carry 10% themselves.“ In the dental treatments, however, shows the Debeka a little more generous according to the test: Here, in dentures, treatment and prophylaxis would generally take over 80% of the costs, the alliance, however, comes only for dentures for „65% up to a maximum deductible of 500 Euro“ in addition, then for 75%. For dental treatment and prophylaxis also apply to the alliance up to a deductible of 500 € a cost of 90%, beyond the insurance would take over, according to the magazine, the full cost.

Beware of very cheap „bait advertising“
Caution should apply, however, with very favorable offers, because „If you are too cheap and are willing to pay for gaps in insurance cover, you will have to expect to be left behind later on in the event of illness“, said insurance expert Michael Franke of Franke and Bornberg to Focus Money. Instead, it should be checked at any time, whether the respective offers really provide sufficient performance. According to the expert, it is also important that the option exists of being able to increase the existing protection at any time and thus be able to adapt it to the respective life situation. (No)