Good dental care How teeth are whiter

Good dental care How teeth are whiter / Health News
For healthy and beautiful teeth, it is important to have a professional teeth cleaning done regularly. In addition, there are a number of other ways to protect yourself from tooth decay and toothache. In an interview with the news agency "dpa" experts explain what is important in the dental care.
Health insurance companies often give subsidies for professional teeth cleaning
Healthy teeth are important for overall health and well-being. But many people do not just want to have healthy, but above all beautiful and white teeth. Here, professional tooth cleaning (PZR) plays an important role, as it can remove the traces of everyday life such as coffee, tea and tobacco discoloration. In addition to the teeth are also cleaned of tartar and plaques, because these substances can cause tooth damage (caries), gingivitis (gingivitis) and periodontitis.

Image: Viacheslav Iakobchuk - fotolia

Inform in advance about possible reimbursement of costs
The PZR is therefore a major component of dental prophylaxis and many experts recommend that it be performed at least once a year in addition to the usual control appointments. But the patients often have to bear the costs themselves (at least proportionately), because the health insurance funds are not obliged to take them over. Meanwhile, more and more funds offer a subsidy, informed the consumer center North Rhine -Westphalia. Therefore, insured persons should first of all inquire in advance how their own health insurance fund can handle this. For while some grant fixed rates or a percentage share after submitting the bill, other health insurers would have contracts with certain dentists, who then offer the PZR at a fixed price, the information said.

Standing e.g. due to a brace regular appointments with the orthodontist, the visit to the "normal" dentist should not be forgotten. Because this is responsible for the review of dental health, while the focus is directed at the orthodontist on the control of treatment progress, so the East German Dental Chambers in their patient journal "ZahnRat".

Prevent tooth decay with regular mouth rinses
Who is prone to tooth decay, should also regularly use a fluoride-containing mouthwash, because this "reaches places that you can not do with the toothbrush," explains Dirk Kropp of the initiative proDente compared to the "dpa". The ingredient fluoride could thus help to "reduce caries and protect sensitive areas", other substances such as chlorhexidine would reduce the plaque. Before a mouthwash is used, however, should be spoken to the dentist. Especially for pregnant women, children and alcoholics it is also important that the product is alcohol-free. But everyone else should better resort to a drug without alcohol, since this has no use and is therefore superfluous. Also gives Dirk Kropp to consider that mouthwash and mouthwash are two different things, since the former has only a cosmetic effect, the expert said.

Do not combine pediatric toothpaste with fluoride tablets
If you swallow some toothpaste while brushing, this is usually not a problem, because "in the quantities, in which one normally does that is harmless," continues Kropp. Although fluoride can cause yellowish or brownish discoloration on the teeth, but this would have to be "tube by toothpaste" consumed. However, it is recommended that parents do not give fluoride tablets to their children in parallel to fluoride-containing toothpaste, since the increased dose may cause stains. Therefore, experts generally recommend that children under the age of 6 only use special children's toothpaste as it contains less fluoride than products for adults.
Parents do not have to spend a lot of money to protect their offspring's teeth. Only recently had a test of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK) revealed that the toothpaste with the best price-performance ratio is already available for less than one euro. The most expensive children's toothpaste, however, scored the worst. (No)