Good reasons to treat children naturopathic

Good reasons to treat children naturopathic / Health News

Four good reasons to treat children naturopathic


Parents only want the best for their children. Many are therefore looking for a biologically wholesome diet, choose toys without toxins and want to treat their children with gentle methods when they are ill. Why children also respond particularly well to naturopathic medicine, explains Dr. med. Christian Schmincke, General Practitioner and Head of the Chinese Medicine Clinic at Steigerwald:

Immune regulation instead of immunosuppression
In the first years of life, the course is set for the whole life. The child's immune system has to develop first. Children who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism, intestinal inflammation, atopic dermatitis or asthma are often denied this. Many of them often receive life-long medications that suppress the work of the immune system. „There are other ways and methods to not simply slow down the immune functions, but to redirect into immunologically meaningful activities such as a purulent runny nose“, says Dr. Schmincke. Naturopathic therapies are usually immunoregulatory rather than immunosuppressive.

Infects as immune training
Most naturopathic disciplines hold back when it comes to vaccination recommendations. However, as most children are vaccinated on a regular basis, for example, Chinese medicine speaks that „banal“ Respiratory tract infection plays a special role: every infection is a kind of training session for the immune system. „The basic training of the child's immune system, cough, runny nose & Co. but only take over, if allowed to grant“, affirms Schmincke. „Only when the immune system weakens or the development of the infection is too stormy, should be specifically intervened with naturopathic measures. However, the mere occurrence of fever does not count.“

Suffer „Special status sick“ prevent
Often a chronic childhood illness has a special role for the child that can shape it for life: „Can not participate in sports lessons“, „Not allowed to go to the Schullandheim“ or „Must always carry his asthma spray with you“ - For some children, this special role is an everlasting burden. „Preventing chronification of childhood diseases therefore also means avoiding the emergence of such 'ruts' in the child's personality“, thinks Dr. Schmincke.

Children react quickly and well
Last but not least, naturopathic treatments are particularly effective in children, because the disease is still young. „In addition, long-term medications did not yet have the time to cause lasting damage in the organism“, explains Dr. Schmincke. „The regenerative power of the child is also enormous. This also applies to the child's tissue, for example after surgery.“ (Pm)