Good eye doctors are not easy to find

Good eye doctors are not easy to find / Health News

Five criteria for finding a good ophthalmologist


With approximately 700,000 operations per year in Germany, the replacement of a mostly age-related clouded eye lens - also as „Cataract“ the most common procedure on the human body. In general, eye surgery has been increasing for years. Also, more and more eyeglass or contact lens wearers have their eyesight corrected by an eye laser treatment or a lens surgery to rid themselves of their often annoying visual aid. The number of providers is correspondingly large. Dr. Kaweh Schayan-Araghi, Board Member of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists and Medical Director of the Artemis Eye Clinic in Frankfurt, mentions the most important criteria in which interested parties recognize a good ophthalmologist and surgeon.

If an operation is imminent, the search for an operating ophthalmologist who understands his craft usually begins. Here, the house ophthalmologist likes to give recommendations as to which operating ophthalmologist is considered in the region. In addition, the experience of former patients often provides good assistance in getting oneself into the right hands to correct a defective vision or lens opacity. „Basically, the number of operations performed and the success rate indicates the quality and competence of the physician. An experienced eye surgeon, who performs about 250 procedures a year, usually masters his craft“, explains Dr. Schayan-Araghi. In addition, all technical devices should comply with the latest technology and just like the other equipment make a hygienic impression. Although it is often not easy for laypersons to judge these points, it is still worth a critical look at the first visit, and here too the famous one counts „first impression“. In addition, a good ophthalmologist will spend a lot of time on comprehensive counseling, aptitude testing, and the personal needs of the patient. He presents various procedures, explains advantages and disadvantages and finds out in a detailed discussion which method is most suitable in the individual case. „Due to possible glare effects, mutifocal lenses for correction of presbyopia may not be ideal for motorists and people who work a lot on the PC. But for chefs who constantly wear fog glasses or fitters who often work overhead, they can be ideal“, clarifies Schayan-Araghi. Another important clue for patients: They should attach great importance to be examined and advised by an ophthalmologist at the preliminary examination and not only on the day of surgery and not - as in some laser practices - only by an optician.

Maximum safety in eye laser surgery is also provided by the so-called Lasik TÜV seal. Doctors and clinics that adhere to this label adhere to established treatment and hygiene standards and are regularly scrutinized for the quantity and quality of their operations. „Patients should pay close attention to choosing the right ophthalmologist“, concludes Dr. Schayan-Araghi. „After all, these operations are an intervention in the most important sensory organ of man.“ (Pm)