Göttingen organ donation scandal pleading in the process begin

Göttingen organ donation scandal pleading in the process begin / Health News
Plea in the lawsuit about Göttingen organ donation scandal

The Göttingen organ donation scandal has been making headlines for years. In the case of a medical doctor accused of manslaughter and assault resulting in death in connection with this, the pleadings are now beginning.

Doctor is accused of attempted manslaughter
Today, the public prosecutor's office in the process for the organ donation scandal in the University of Göttingen will give its closing plea, reports the news agency dpa. In court is the former head of the Göttingen transplantation medicine. The doctor should have manipulated medical data to reduce the waiting time of his patients for donor livers and thus increase their chance of survival. The accused is accused of attempted manslaughter and assault with fatal consequences. In a total of eleven cases, he is said to have helped patients through manipulated medical data prematurely to donor livers and thus have taken the death of other seriously ill patients in purchasing.

Organ donation numbers dropped dramatically
As a result of the scandal, organ donor numbers in Germany had plummeted dramatically. Figures from the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) show that in 2013 only 876 people who died had donated organs. Compared to the last 23 years, this represents a new negative national record. About 11,000 patients are currently waiting for a donor organ. A survey on behalf of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) had shown that although 68 percent of Germans agreed to donate their organs after death. However, only 28 percent of Germans have an organ donor card (ad): Martin Jäger / pixelio.de