Elementary school is closed for a long time because of hepatitis A infections

Elementary school is closed for a long time because of hepatitis A infections / Health News

Hepatitis A Infection: Hundreds of Elementary Students Have Week-Long "Forced Holidays"

Because a student has been infected with her sister with hepatitis A, have hundreds of students in a primary school in North Rhine -Westphalia for several weeks "forced holidays". The affected children from all ten classes are now urgently recommended vaccination.

Hepatitis A infection in elementary school

In Solingen (North Rhine-Westphalia) a primary school can not be visited by the students for at least two weeks because of hepatitis A. Because: "A third-grader had been infected with her sister, an already ill Kita child," says a statement in the city of Solingen. As last week in the elementary school Bogenstraße a project week took place in which the class associations were dissolved and all children were in contact with each other, the city service has agreed with the school management that the approximately 220 affected children from all ten classes urgently a vaccination is recommended.

After a hepatitis A infection at a primary school in North Rhine-Westphalia, hundreds of students now have weeks of forced holidays. The children are urgently recommended vaccination. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Hepatitis usually causes flu-like symptoms at the beginning

Hepatitis A is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus that is transmitted via smear infection and contaminated food. Main symptom is acute inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

Basically, hepatitis can have different symptoms depending on the type of virus, but at the onset symptoms tend to be more general, such as tiredness, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, mild fever, and vomiting.

Later, other typical signs such as dark urine, a light bowel movement and yellow eyes or skin ("jaundice") may be added.

Two vaccinations

The best protection against hepatitis A is vaccination, which is available for children 12 months and older.

For the primary vaccination two vaccinations are required. "The protective effect begins twelve to fifteen days after the first vaccination," explains the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) on its website.

"After the second vaccination, the vaccine protection will last at least ten years."

Forced break does not apply to teachers

In Solingen, the vaccination against hepatitis A both the pediatrician or family doctor as well as the city service health done.

Since the risk of infection is banned 14 days later, the school could then resume normal operation.

"Without vaccination, the incubation period is four weeks. Children whose parents do not comply with the vaccination recommendation can not return to class until then, "the city news release says.

It also states that the compulsory break does not apply to teachers:

"They are not affected to the same degree because, unlike children, they should (and should) be able to maintain a thorough hand hygiene, thereby blocking this major infection pathway. They will use the time for school-relevant preparation and follow-up. "(Ad)